

  • Trading for :



    Note: The minimum price of the price scale is -9999 EUR/MWh, and the maximum price of the scale is +9999 EUR/MWh

    Delivery day 03/25/2025
    ROPEX_ID_Base (1-24) = 107.19
    ROPEX_ID_Peak (9-20) = 103.23
    Delivery day 03/26/2025
    ROPEX_ID_Base (1-24) = 114.41
    ROPEX_ID_Peak (9-20) = 115.82
    Hourly Trades Block Trades
    Low High Last ROPEX_ID_HVWAP1 Buy Vol Sell Vol VWAP Buy Vol Sell Vol
    €/MWh €/MWh €/MWh €/MWh €/MWh MWh MWh €/MWh MWh MWh
    00-01 74.00 113.10 112.76 106.78 106.79 77.1 11.2 - - -
    01-02 -10.00 105.40 102.00 102.87 103.95 97.5 27.7 - - -
    02-03 91.41 100.69 91.41 96.04 95.07 115.6 55.2 - - -
    03-04 92.48 101.57 95.14 95.75 94.31 115.0 119.9 - - -
    04-05 91.19 101.64 94.62 95.27 93.52 137.6 41.8 - - -
    05-06 96.84 107.00 98.59 101.22 99.53 128.3 8.7 - - -
    06-07 104.35 137.00 124.00 124.45 118.86 173.1 9.4 - - -
    07-08 118.00 141.00 118.00 126.41 121.77 228.0 12.1 - - -
    08-09 100.00 135.00 115.40 114.78 108.17 163.9 36.6 - - -
    09-10 77.99 120.00 95.47 93.45 92.76 231.1 262.2 - - -
    10-11 22.00 104.94 22.00 75.24 66.06 59.5 323.4 - - -
    11-12 5.60 100.00 40.00 56.40 35.68 79.5 477.7 - - -
    12-13 25.01 100.00 50.00 61.57 52.69 116.0 430.7 - - -
    13-14 37.00 96.00 51.00 56.09 48.47 267.7 270.6 - - -
    14-15 44.00 98.20 84.00 71.79 75.45 189.8 133.9 - - -
    15-16 64.71 106.37 91.00 85.27 92.02 204.3 130.4 - - -
    16-17 110.80 145.00 122.00 118.89 120.95 139.5 57.3 - - -
    17-18 134.00 172.00 151.29 143.57 144.04 78.1 39.8 - - -
    18-19 178.17 196.00 191.00 187.16 191.64 62.2 27.4 - - -
    19-20 170.04 190.00 172.03 174.58 172.04 45.1 3.3 - - -
    20-21 148.61 163.31 152.00 151.77 152.23 53.7 27.4 - - -
    21-22 97.00 137.00 115.17 119.27 112.32 84.2 70.0 - - -
    22-23 96.00 126.00 100.00 110.23 105.81 45.0 97.4 - - -
    23-24 100.00 110.68 102.10 103.59 103.11 7.8 117.8 - - -
    Total Volume [MWh] 2,899.6 2,791.9 - -
    Hourly Trades Block Trades
    Low High Last ROPEX_ID_HVWAP1 Buy Vol Sell Vol VWAP Buy Vol Sell Vol
    €/MWh €/MWh €/MWh €/MWh €/MWh MWh MWh €/MWh MWh MWh
    00-01 99.00 103.05 101.20 100.82 100.83 6.0 93.9 - - -
    01-02 90.00 102.93 100.00 97.43 97.85 11.7 52.3 - - -
    02-03 95.74 100.02 99.00 98.87 99.03 8.3 91.8 - - -
    03-04 97.90 102.00 97.90 99.75 99.65 10.0 129.8 - - -
    04-05 97.00 101.01 97.50 98.14 97.89 15.0 186.8 - - -
    05-06 99.96 113.00 103.36 103.88 102.74 19.4 144.8 - - -
    06-07 123.33 134.20 126.01 128.45 128.95 36.7 96.1 - - -
    07-08 139.01 149.38 147.00 144.28 143.68 51.1 100.2 - - -
    08-09 118.90 145.00 118.90 130.34 128.58 63.6 252.6 - - -
    09-10 60.00 121.76 60.00 99.09 91.80 52.4 323.0 - - -
    10-11 69.00 111.30 87.00 93.99 79.88 73.8 479.8 - - -
    11-12 61.87 111.10 90.00 92.98 83.67 63.6 562.1 - - -
    12-13 19.99 106.00 90.00 90.51 88.82 67.3 550.9 - - -
    13-14 45.10 92.85 50.00 79.01 - 12.6 373.7 - - -
    14-15 90.12 110.00 92.43 98.56 - 5.4 231.9 - - -
    15-16 76.63 111.42 76.63 104.62 - 26.2 178.5 - - -
    16-17 90.03 119.00 90.03 116.53 - 6.9 88.6 - - -
    17-18 120.12 149.28 120.12 146.50 - 13.3 12.0 - - -
    18-19 154.01 175.00 154.01 169.26 - 7.0 5.6 - - -
    19-20 166.00 173.90 167.41 168.46 - 21.8 1.0 - - -
    20-21 109.00 156.00 147.68 123.51 - 19.1 0.1 - - -
    21-22 126.66 132.23 132.00 130.99 - 9.1 16.9 - - -
    22-23 119.78 123.00 119.95 122.10 - 18.3 2.1 - - -
    23-24 100.73 107.92 100.73 107.78 - 5.0 0.1 - - -
    Total Volume [MWh] 623.6 3,974.6 - -

    Please note that the data on this page is updated every 15 minutes.

    *)specific indices details (vers. 13) can be found here

    High - Maximum price for concluded trades
    Low - Minimum price for concluded trades
    Last - Last price for concluded trades
    ROPEX_ID_H –Weighted average price for concluded trades
    VWAP1 – The volume-weighted average price of transactions concluded in the last trading hour of a contract before its expiration
    Hourly Trades - Buy Vol – Sum of the quantities traded on buy side for each hourly interval
    Hourly Trades – Sell Vol – Sum of the quantities traded on sell side for each hourly interval
    Block Trades - Buy Vol – Sum of the quantities traded on buy side split into the individual hours
    Block Trades - Sell Vol – Sum of the quantities traded on sell side split into the individual hours
    Block Trades - VWAP – Weighted average price calculated as a weighted average of all block trades split into the individual hours