OPCOM: Organizational ChartIn order to fulfill its attributions and responsibilities, OPCOM has adopted a flexible organizational structure capable of taking over the resulting tasks from the provision of Law nr.123/2012, of Law nr.220/2008 with subsequent amendments , of the approved regulations by the Competent Authority in compliance with the primary and secondary legislation in force. The organizational structure in force since June 2024, in accordance with the approval of the Council Board of Directors:

The structure separates the main activities:
- organizing and administering centralized markets for wholesale trading, on short term of electricity and performing the activities related to the Settlement Operator, by performing settlement operations for short-term centralized markets assuming the role of counter-party for these markets, respectively establishing the payment obligations / collection rights for the Balancing Market and the quantitative and value imbalances of the Balancing Responsible Parties ;
- organizing and administering centralized markets for wholesale trading, on medium term and long term of electricity, natural gas and of green certificates according with the existing provisions of the applicable legislation and regulatory framework;
- surveying the operation of the administered centralized markets in order to report significant data, assess markets operation and identify inappropriate behavior or abuse attempts of market participants;
- defining, planning and implementing programs to develop the portfolio of the products and services made available to the business environment within the energy sector;
- economic and patrimonial administration;
- administration and development of information technology and telecommunication systems;
- institutional development and consolidation according to its own objectives and the development strategy;
- ensuring the cooperation and representation with professionalism of the company and increasing the satisfaction of the clients;
- managing, developing and continuously improving the human resources;
- continuous application of the quality management system and managerial control;
Shareholders structure of OPCOM S.A. |
1) C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica, as a shareholder, representing 97,84% of the share capital. |
2) The Romanian State, as a shareholder, through the Ministry of Economy, representing 2,16% of the share capital. |