Hourly daily prices for the electricity traded in DAM administered by OPCOM |
Daily average price of the 24 hours for the electricity traded in DAM administered by OPCOM |
Daily average price of the peak hours for the electricity traded in DAM administered by OPCOM |
Daily average price of the off-peak hours for the electricity traded in DAM administered by OPCOM |
Volume weighted average price calculated for the contracts with physical delivery in month M traded on forward markets administered by OPCOM |
Volume weighted average price calculated for the contracts with physical delivery in year Y traded on forward markets administered by OPCOM |
Monthly price of the Green Certificates traded in month M in Centralized Market for Green Certificates administered by OPCOM |
Volume weighted average price for the Green Certificates traded in year Y in Centralized Market for Green Certificates administered by OPCOM |
Hourly volume weighted average prices for the electricity traded in the Intraday Market administered by OPCOM |
Daily average price set during the trading session on the Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas administered by OPCOM |
Volume weighted average price set on the Intraday Market for Natural Gas administered by OPCOM |