

  • PRESS RELEASE NO. 6/2006

    The Romanian Electricity Exchange Concluded the First Three Quarters with Trading Records

    (Bucharest, 31st of March, 2006) In the last two days of March, the Romanian Day-Ahead Market (spot market) registers records for daily electricity transactions

    For the first nine months since launching, transactions on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) have registered a total volume of 2,626,573 MWh – which represents 6.59% of net forecasted consumption – and a total value of 101,258,827 EUROs. The average price was determined at 36.91 EURO/MWh, and the average number of market participants was about 35 per day – of a total of 72 registered.

    For March, the average traded volume was 444 MWh/h, representing a quota of 6.88% from the total consumption. The average number of active market participants was 48 participants per day.
    In March 31st, a new benchmark for the last eight months was established: total traded volume (16,447 MWh) and the average traded volume (685.304 MWh/h). These values were surpassed only in the very first transaction month, July 2005.

    The figures for the average traded volume and for the DAM quota are positioning OPCOM – Bucharest on the fifth place in Europe (after NordPool - Oslo, EEX - Leipzig, Powernext - Paris and APX - Amsterdam), and the average price of 40,66 Euro/MWh situates OPCOM on the second place, regarding the lowest prices settled in March.

    PRESS RELEASE 31.03/2006

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor Ionescu, CEO, phone (+40 21) 30 71 450
