In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for February 2025 amounting to 807.22 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for January 2025 amounting to 737.27 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for January 2025 amounting to 737.27 lei/MWh.
Information on the Introduction of 15-Minute Products on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market19.03.2025
Activation of Romanian Borders in Intraday Auctions./a>02.03.2025
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for January 2025 amounting to 737.27 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for November 2024 amounting to 936.33 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for October 2024 amounting to 488.30 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for September 2024 amounting to 594.07 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for August 2024 amounting to 707.73 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for July 2024 amounting to 837.60 lei/MWh
Publication of CACM Annual Report 2023
All NEMOs published CACM Annual Report 2023 on intraday and day-ahead coupling. Read the CACM Annual Report 2023 here.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) operations in 2023 and gives a broad outline of the current and future performance of market coupling algorithms and the R&D activities undertaken.
First CACM annual report on intraday and day-ahead coupling was published five years ago, in December 2019 outlining the work achieved by NEMOs and TSOs to ensure successful operations of market coupling solutions.
The CACM Annual Report 2023 will be presented by the NEMO Committee at the 2nd Annual Conference to be held on 19 September 2024 in Athens. Please, see the invitation to the conference here. Interested parties can participate in the event both physically and online. The agenda of the conference will be published soon, during the summer.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for June 2024 amounting to 520.82 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for May 2024 amounting to 439.61 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for April 2024 amounting to 329.29 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for March 2024 amounting to 328.50 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for February 2024 amounting to 350.35 lei/MWh.
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. - b, of the Procedure regarding participants registration to green certificates markets, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure regarding participants registration to green certificates markets.
The model of Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation can be downloaded here.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for January 2024 amounting to 447.44 lei/MWh
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for December 2023 amounting to 422.75 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for November 2023 amounting to 527.17 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for October 2023 amounting to 550.58 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for September 2023 amounting to 534.16 lei/MWh.
28.09.2023 Important! Extension of the transitional period for submitting the signed Participation Agreement on the bilateral contracts markets, in its applicable form starting with 27.04.2023. The exact deadline will be announced in due time.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for August 2023 amounting to 541.22 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for July 2023 amounting to 500.22 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for June 2023 amounting to 434.49 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for May 2023 amounting to 438.42 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for April 2023 amounting to 475.68 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for March 2023 amounting to 544.52 lei/MWh.
OPCOM announces the organization on 11.05.2023 of the following test, with the involvement of market participants, within Single Day Ahead Coupling, SDAC: Full Decoupling.
Common Invitation is available HERE.
Details about this test will be distributed to the Market Participants early next week.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for February 2023 amounting to 691.66 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2022, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for January 2023 amounting to 692.10 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for November 2022 amounting to 1,125.35 lei/MWh.
We would like inform you that the Participation Agreement for the Short-Term Energy Markets (Day-Ahead Market and Intra-Day Market) has been published, which brings together the Participation Agreements for the two markets administered by OPCOM S.A.. and which enters into force on the date of publication on www.opcom.ro website. This approach of OPCOM S.A. is meant to support market participants, offering them a simplified procedure to access / maintain access to the managed energy markets.
The Participation Agreement for the Short-Term Energy Markets (Day-Ahead Market and Intra-Day Market) complies with the provisions of the regulatory framework in force relating to each of the organized markets Day-Ahead Market and Intra-Day Electricity Market.
Implementation of the single agreement for participation in the short-term electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A. takes place simultaneously with the introduction of a complementary pricing mechanism, provided by Ordinul ANRE nr. 97 din 29 iunie 2022 pentru aprobarea Metodologiei de stabilire a tarifelor practicate de Operatorul desemnat al pieței de energie electrică and which facilitates market participants to access / maintain access to one or both short-term electricity markets by paying a single administration fee, as well as the trading tariff according to the transactions carried out on any of the two organized electricity markets.
The Participation Agrement for the Short-Term Energy Markets (Day-Ahead Market and Intra-Day Market) is published in the "Registration, Convention, Procedures" section related to each of the two markets.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for November 2022 amounting to 1,125.35 lei/MWh.
02.12.2022 Dear participants,
We inform you that the Opcom website was migrated on a new technology, in order to increase security. For this reason, the new DAM PIP csv report download link is:
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for October 2022 amounting to 1,056.60 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for September 2022 amounting to 1,864.69 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for August 2022 amounting to 2,423.86 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for July 2022 amounting to 1,849.73 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 15/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market for June 2022 amounting to 1,172.26 lei/MWh
Month |
Weighted average price of the DAM [lei/MWh] |
22-Mar | 1,393.90 |
22-Apr | 887.26 |
22-May | 1,019.39 |
22-Jun | 1,172.26 |
Important! Reminder: The weighted average price registered on the Day Ahead Market in 2021
We remind you that in accordance with art. 3 para. (3) of the Order of the President of ANRE 50/2021, the weighted average price registered on the Day Ahead Market in 2021 was 539.00 lei/ MWh, as published on the OPCOM website on 03.01.2022 (see below).
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 50/2021, OPCOM publishes the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market in 2021 amounting to 539.00 lei/MWh.
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 226/2018 it was published the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market in 2020 amounting to 196,56 lei/MWh.
Opcom is announcing the launch of an improved version of the M7 post-trading platform, developed using modern technology, with a safer and faster user interface, featuring an API which allows the automation of participant activity on the market. The platform can be accessed from m7ptv2.opcom.ro and will run for approximately 4 weeks at the same time as the current platform m7pt.opcom.ro. The platform user guide can be found here. M7pt platform users must reset their m7ptv2 access password using the instructions here. Do note that the passwords on the two platforms are independent; changing one password will not affect the other! In case of any difficulty with accessing the platform, please contact us at asistentait@opcom.ro.
Communication regarding the transmission of the documents by OPCOM regarding CMBC-EA, CMBC-CN and CME-RES-GC markets during the period of application of the preventive measures for fighting off the infection with COVID-19.
We inform you that in the context of applying the measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19, OPCOM will implement, as of today, April 1st 2020, the necessary measures for sending specific documents by e-mail, without presenting the holographic signature of OPCOM representatives.
In this regard, we mention the e-mail address from which CMBC-EA, CMBC-CN and CME-RES-GC markets will send the specific documents without holographic signature is pccb@opcom.ro and the list of contacts is:
Communication regarding the transmission by OPCOM, starting from 31.03.2020, of the documents exclusively by e-mail, without them presenting the holographic signature of OPCOM representatives
Dear market participants, applicants,
OPCOM informed on 13.03.2020 regarding the application, following the preparation of market participants for the method of communication presented, of the measure for the transmission of all documents by OPCOM exclusively by e-mail, without holographic signature of OPCOM representatives.
In view of the evolution of the severity of the measures taken at national level with regard to limiting coronavirus infection and the period which has elapsed since the publication of the communication dated 13.03.2020, we inform you that OPCOM will implement from today, 31.03.2020, this method of communication, i.e. OPCOM will submitt all documents exclusively by e-mail, without them presenting the holographic signature of OPCOM representatives.
For any questions please contact us operatively at the email addresses mentioned in the communication dated 13.03.2020.
We wish you health and moral strength to overcome the impact of this critical period. OPCOM will undoubtedly provide you a permanent and full support for all your needs regarding the participation on the market.
Thank you,
The exceptional situation regarding the receiving of the documents regarding the trading on CMBC-EA/ CMBC-NC/ CME-RES-GC during the period of application of the preventive measures for fighting off the infection with COVID-19.
We inform you that in the context of applying the measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19, if the created situation imposes, OPCOM will implement in its turn the necessary measures for carrying out the activity of organization and administration of the centralized markets managed within OPCOM on remote mode, context in which the communications from market participants / applicants will be made by sending the specific documents by e-mail, without them presenting the holographic signature of their legal representatives.
We refer to the transmission to OPCOM S.A. of the documents regarding the trading on the CMBC-EA/ CMBC-NC/ CME-RES-GC by the CMBC-EA/ CMBC-NC/ CME-RES-GC participants, respectively bilateral contracts concluded on CMBC-EA/ CMBC-NC/ CME-RES-GC, offers (initiating/ co-initiating/ response/ modifying the price) on CMBC-EA/ CME-RES-GC but without limiting to the these documents, in the context in which the decision to work from home will be taken, without the possibility of going to the office, following the application of preventive measures to combat the infection with COVID-19 and we inform you the following:
Considering the latest official information and prevention measures established at national level to stop the spread of Coronavirus, OPCOM informs market participants and other interested parties that, starting with 16th March 2020, the program with the public stops. All communication will be done remotely, electronically and by courier.
Exceptionally, working with the public will be mutually agreed only for situations that cannot be resolved using the mentioned means.
Thank you for collaboration.
Communication regarding the transmission of the documents by OPCOM - an approach focused on limiting the transmission of COVID-19, while reducing the impact on the organizational and administrative activities carried out
Dear market participants, applicants,
We inform you that in the context of applying the measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19, if the created situation imposes, OPCOM will implement in turn the necessary measures for carrying out the activity of organization and administration of the centralized markets administered by OPCOM on remote mode, context in which the communications to market participants / applicants will be made by sending specific documents by e-mail, without presenting the holographic signature of OPCOM representatives.
In this regard, we present the list of e-mail addresses from which OPCOM will send the specific documents without holographic signature:
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the mentioned measures, it is necessary to make sure on the correctness of the e-mail addresses notified by you to OPCOM in order to maintain the connection with each of the markets / departments that manage the respective processes within OPCOM.
In this situation, as a measure to mitigate the risk of propagating material errors through the information notified via the mentioned communication channels, caused by the intensification of OPCOM's activity of generating specific communications by e-mail, we strongly recommend that in your own monitoring process of the information, including the results notified by OPCOM regarding your trading activity on the centralized markets administered by OPCOM, to permanently follow and consider both the information existing in the accessed trading systems in the trading activity as well as the information published on the OPCOM website, this becoming the information channel that confirms the information sent by e-mail and therefore the guarantor of the correctness and completeness of the information that reflects your trading activity.
We would like to emphasize that through this method of communication, OPCOM applies an approach aimed to mitigate the impact on the activities carried out, informing the participants as soon as possible about a possible implementation of the measures necessary to carry out the activity of organizing and managing the centralized markets administered by OPCOM on remote mode and thus facilitating the adaptation of the market participants in a reasonable time period to the communication method presented. The adaptation period will depend on the moment when, imposed by the created situation, OPCOM will make the announcement regarding the date of implementation of the measure, meaning that we kindly ask you to regularly follow the communications made by OPCOM through the website and to addresss us your clarification questions at the specified email addresses and to the address secretariat@opcom.ro.
We express our confidence that all parties involved will show full willingness to cooperate and will express understanding for any possible delays that may occur on the communication chain in the described situation.
Thank you,
OPCOM team10.03.2020
Preventive measures in the context of the existing risk of spreading the COVID-19
Dear participants/applicants,
Considering the preventive measures taken at national level, please be informed that, untill a further notice, in order to avoid coming to OPCOM headquarter for solving your requests, the following measures are adopted by OPCOM and we kindly ask you to comply with:
Following the current situation generated by the global spread of Coronavirus, in order to prevent and to maintain the continuity of the company`s activity, OPCOM informs the market participants and other interested parties about the following adopted measures:
- The program of working with the public, from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 13:00-15:00, exclusively for the situations that require communication through physical presence;
- Ensuring the procedured access in OPCOM spaces, limited to the indicated area located on the ground floor of the building on Hristo Botev 16-18, Bucharest, under the strict compliance with the sanitary norms recommended in the current context.
Thank you for collaboration.
Dear Intraday Electricity Market Participants,
By this information, OPCOM wants to detail the milestones of Romania's joining process, together with six other countries, the fourteen countries already operating on a coupled mode at the level of single intra-day market coupling (Single Intra-Day Market Coupling, SIDC under Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management), a process that will take place on 19.11.2019, respectively one week after the operational launch, on 12.11.2019, with commercial effects, of the intraday electricity market in Romania in accordance with the European Union legislation and subsequent secondary legislation approved by decisions of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, respectively by orders and decisions of the ANRE President. Thereby:
By extending the operation of the intraday market in Romania at European level (for example, offers entered in the Romanian market will be able to be traded with those placed in any of the operational markets in the other 20 countries, within the limit of the available cross-border transfer capacity) and the adoption of the single European solution, it is expected to increase the liquidity of the intraday market, leading to the decrease of the balancing market share and more accurate balancing and closer to the real time of participants, better use of capacity and generation resources, optimum use of cross-border transport capacity and, last but not least, as an indirect consequence, the increase of the safety in the electricity supply of the Romanian consumers.
The access credentials to the M7 Trading system, as well as to the post-trading system, have been sent to all intraday market participants and does not change in the context of the coupling on November 19.
All public documents on the OPCOM website at the address Intraday Electricity Market – Registration, Convention, Procedures maintain their timeliness, respectively:
1.ANRE Order no 202/11.11.2019 for ammending the Order no 32/2013 for approval of the Regulation for programming of production units and dispatching consumers and repealing the Order no 73/2013 for approval of the Regulation for organization and functioning of the Intraday electricity Market;
2.ANRE Opinion no 89/11.11.2019 regarding the approval by ANRE of Procedure related to the operation of the intraday electricity market developed by Operatorul pieței de energie electrică și de gaze naturale din România “Opcom” - S.A.;
3.Intraday electricity market Accession Agreement;
4.Procedure related to the operation of the intraday electricity market;
5.Procedure regarding collections and payments relating to the intraday electricity market;
6.Procedure for the constitution, verification and use of financial guarantees for participation on the intraday electricity market;
7.Trader Manual for the M7 Trading system (MFG110);
8.Detailed instructions document to access ComTrader (the production environment);
9.ComTrader Setup Guide for M7 Trading system;
10.Instructions for accessing the M7 Post Trading system.
11.New templates of Bank Guarantee Letters and amendments thereto for trades concluded on DAM and ID;
12.IBAN central account for Intraday Market: RO94 RNCB 0074 0292 1737 0081;
13.The list of banks that joined the Interbank Direct Debit System (Transfond);
14.The list of banks that have entered into addenda to agreements with BCR for issuing of letters of guarantee required for transactions on IDM;
15.Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.;
16.Addendum to the Market Accession Agreement - template for recording the modification of the identification data of market participants.
Core FB MC project introduces the dedicated website section on JAO website
DE-AT-PL-4M MC NRAs request to initiate the interim project for a NTC-based market coupling between DE, AT, PL and 4MMC (DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project)
On 21 December 2018 ANRE, BnetzA, E-Control, ERU, HEA, URSO and URE asked together in a joint letter DE-AT-PL-4M MC TSOs and NEMOs to initiate the interim project for a NTC-based market coupling between DE, AT, PL and 4MMC (DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project) in order to further develop regional integration of day-ahead organized electricity markets.
For further details, please refer to ANRE website at the following link
In accordance with the provisions of ANRE Order no. 226/2018 it was published the weighted average price of the Day Ahead Market in 2018 amounting to 223,24 lei/MWh.
On December 24 and 31, 2018, the schedule for offers submission will be 09:00–12:00 EET.
On December 24 and 31, 2018, the trading schedule will be 10:00–12:00.
On December 24 and 31, 2018, Green Certificates annoymous centralized term market trading schedule will be:09.08.2018 –REMIT Implementation update
OPCOM published the „AGREEMENT ON DATA ACCESSING AND REPORTING” and the „Addendum to the Agreement on data accessing and reporting”
Starting with 10.07.2017, interested parties can access the test trading platform used to manage the Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas.
For details please consult the meniu ”Trading- Products/ Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas/ Test environment – results”.
IMPORTANT: Romanian Association of Banks decided that starting with 12.04.2016 the SEPA direct debit scheme will be implemented in order to issue and receive the Direct Debit Instructions (DDI).
Through the new direct debit scheme, every Direct Debit Mandate (DDM) is registered by Settlement Bank in the Unique Register of Mandates, managed by TRANSFOND, and has allocated a unique number of registration of the Mandate (UMR). The receiving of DDI, both intrabanking and interbanking, will be realised the next banking day after sending them by OPCOM to the Central Account Bank (BCR).
Taking into account that the DDI final date is the first banking day from sending them to the Central Account Bank, we ask you to ensure money availability for the DDM accounts.
First results after applying the provisions of the DAM Regulation approved by ANRE Order no. 82/2014, beginning with 11.11.2014
OPCOM informs market participants and the general public that beginning with 11.11.2014, the provisions of the ANRE Order no. 82/2014 for approval the Regulation for organization and operation of the Day-Ahead Market for electricity adapted for functioning in market coupling framework have been implemented, achieving the provided harmonization.
Implementation of the Regulation and the operational procedures related to it means, inter alia, that starting with the trading day 11.11.2014 DAM trading process administered by OPCOM is performed in CET hours, and market participants are benefiting of the possibility to access additional facilities, the trading system currently being adapted to the new trading rules.
DAM results established in the first two trading days in CET hours can be summarized as follows:
We particularly appreciate the interest of market participants, as well as the contribution to the implementation of the new rules, which determined trading to be conducted in good conditions, the market performance not being affected by this process.
IMPORTANT! The DAM User Guide was published. Member tests of new features that market participants are going to use for the offering process as of their implementation, is to take place during 13-24 October 2014 period.
Please note that this User Guide is provided for very member test scope and final user guide to be used after market coupling go-live date will be subsequently provided in due time.
Workshop “4M Market Coupling and foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market” - 25th September 2014, Bucharest
Romanian National Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE, Romanian Transmission System Operator – Transelectrica SA and Romanian Gas and Electricity Market Operator - OPCOM organized for the participants of the coupled market the workshop “4M Market Coupling and foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market“ on September 25, 2014 (10:00 – 17:00).
The main topics were the presentation of 4M MC project and additional information about the Romanian day ahead market.
For more information please see the presentations below.
4M Market Coupling and foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market
25th September 2014, Bucharest
As Project Members of the 4M Market Coupling, Romanian National Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE, Romanian Transmission System Operator – Transelectrica SA and Romanian Gas and Electricity Market Operator - OPCOM are organizing for participants of the coupled market the workshop “4M Market Coupling and foreseen changes on Romanian Day-Ahead Market“ on September 25, 2014 (10:00 – 17:00).
The main topics are:
Place: Bucharest, Palace of Parliament, "C.A. Rosetti" Hall
The access will be via Str. Izvor. 2-4, entry A3S2 from Izvor Park.
Deadline for registration: 18th September 2014
Detailed agenda
The workshop will be held in Romanian with simultaneous translation to English.
The presentations will be available on the organizers’ webpages after the event.
The workshops on 4M Market Coupling are taking place in Budapest on 16 September 2014, in Bratislava on 24 September 2014, in Prague and in Bucharest on 25 September 2014.
For the registration or more information, please contact the organizers, as follows:
Phone: + 40 21 3071 494
Email: PR@opcom.ro
We look forward to seeing you.
OPCOM SA would like to inform the market participants registered to the centralized markets administrated that according to the applicable legal and regulation framework, contracts traded on OPCOM’s markets do not constitute derivatives or derivative contracts in the meaning of the EMIR, therefore those contracts are not subject of reporting by the contracting parties. » More to read ...
Operational message – Centralized market with double continuous negotiation for electricity bilateral contracts
OPCOM will launch on March 3rd, 2014 its new Exchange Trading System developed with Trayport. The system will provide the possibility for posting offers in an anonymous way for trading physically delivered products defined in the ”procedure regarding the trading mechanism on the Centralized market with double continuous negotiation for electricity bilateral contracts” advised through ANRE president Advice No. 33/28.08.2013.
The products that will be daily traded are products for physical deliver of the electricity on base load, peak and off-peak load, for standard delivery periods of one day, one week-end, one week, one month, one quarter and one year. The trades are concluded only with eligible parties established by each participant.
Participation in the market is subject of signing of the participation Agreement advised through ANRE president Advice No. 15/05.02.2014 and of the commitment for the rights and obligations related to the participation in the Centralized market with double continuous negotiation for electricity bilateral contracts.
Participation within the daily trading sessions could be realized only by the market participants that are submitting to OPCOM both the eligibility lists containing the participants with whom they are willing to conclude trades, separately for selling and buying, for each product and the agreed selling/buying contracts, signed by the parties in case that they are EFET contracts, for each notified eligible counterparty.
For granting of the trading right, the eligibility list will include at least 4 eligible counterparties with trading limit different than zero.
For details please ask our support at:
Direct: 0040 21 3071 402
E-mail: pcndc@opcom.ro
ANNOUNCEMENT: Notice regarding implementation the trading on IDM through continuous trading mechanism as from 15.01.2014
Following the approval of the operational documents related to Intra Day Market for electricity (IDM) by ANRE during the Regulatory Committee meeting on 10.01.2014, these documents were updated for implementation the continuous trading mechanism, mechanism that is to be implemented starting with 15.01.2014 as first trading day and 16.01.2014 as first delivery day respectively, according to the provisions of:
Documents relating to Intra Day Market functioning are published on OPCOM website at the menu Trading-Products/Intra-Day Market/Registration, Convention Procedures.
Starting with 18th of December 2013 (as trading day) a newer version of the settlement platform becomes operational.
All types of settlement statements issued until now will be available in the old version of the platform, at the url: http://www.oper.ro/oldsettparticipant .
From now on, the settlement statements will be available as follows:
Next steps in the Czech-Slovak-Hungarian-Polish-Romanian Market Integration
Following the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 11 July 2013, the 5M MC Steering Committee, consisting of representatives of national regulatory authorities (ERÚ, ÚRSO, HEA, URE and ANRE), transmission system operators (ČEPS, SEPS, MAVIR, PSE, and Transelectrica) and power exchanges (OTE, OKTE, HUPX, TGE, and OPCOM) from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania, discussed the next steps in market integration of the day-ahead electricity markets.
Initially, parties faced a fundamental question on market organization in the context of other integration activities and interconnected electricity markets. A public survey addressed to companies active on the five markets aimed to gather feedback on possible implication of the proposed arrangements, mainly setting of a gate closure time (GCT) for entering the bids and scope of market integration (consult the survey questionnaire here).
Based on a thorough analysis of the survey results, the national regulators (NRAs) concluded that there is no common position among the market participants in all involved markets regarding the proposed scenarios of five-market market coupling. In order not to hinder further market integration, the Steering Committee adopted the NRAs position that the market coupling project will start with 11:00 GCT and will involve the day-ahead electricity markets of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. Compliance with NWE (North West Europe) region will be sought as much as possible. Close cooperation among 5M Market Coupling Project partners will be ensured to contribute to future market integration. The common opinion is that coupling of the Polish market area will be implemented later in the context of the CEE FBMC (Central East Europe Flow-Based Market Coupling) initiative. In the meantime, five power exchanges will continue to cooperate on implementation of the PCR solution (Price Coupling of Regions) declared as the target model in order to be ready for the European integration.
Press Release.
Dear Market Participant,
The CZ SK-HU Market Coupling has proven its benefits since its launch 11 September 2012. In order to provide benefits of implicit allocation to its market participants Romania and Poland expressed their interest in joining the current CZ SK HU MC (press release from 30 January 2013). All affected parties since then have been analyzing possibilities to extend the CZ-SK-HU MC towards these two countries while benefiting maximally from the integration.
The most valuable and acceptable approach is considered and fundamental decisions has to be made. Currently the key point is discussed related primarily to an arrangement of capacity allocation on the common borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania with respect to anticipated implementation of implicit auctions (i.e. market coupling): Gate Closure Time (GCT) of the markets involved in the future coupling. As all players on all involved markets may be affected by this parameter, the CZ-SK-HU-PL-RO TSOs and PXs (hereinafter Parties) kindly ask for feedback on this topic. Based on the result of the survey the final decision will be made by the relevant regulator authority of each country.
In the abovementioned context and also having in mind that initiatives focused on Market Coupling in the CEE region face many challenges (especially related to development of the Flow Based capacity calculation method and unplanned flows issue), Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) suggested unofficially (as Joint Declaration has not been withdrawn) to benefit from the current connection of Polish day ahead electricity market to the future NWE region via the Swe-Pol DC cable. The idea of ACER and the NRAs is to connect the extended CZ SK HU MC with the Polish and Romanian markets to CWE/NWE markets using the Swe-Pol DC cable. This would have the following implications:
• GCT would be set to 12h00 CET in all interconnected day-ahead markets: 5M and CWE/NWE (PL-SE, PL-CZ, PL-SK, CZ-SK, SK-HU, HU-RO);
• The 5M MC would be coupled to the NWE region (FR, DE, BE, NL, DK, NO, SE, FI, etc.) with the only one interconnector: the Swe-Pol DC cable;
• Explicit daily capacity auctions organized by CAO GmbH would be still performed at CZ DE, CZ AT, HU AT and PL DE profiles (with the same timing as today, i.e. GCT at 09h15 CET, results at 09h25 or 10h15 CET at the latest).
We understand that proposed arrangement of capacity allocation and day-ahead markets can influence the market participants and their way of the trading.
This extension of CZ SK HU MC is planned as an interim step towards the creation of the European Internal Electricity Market (i.e. inclusion of all borders within CEE region). The decision with this regard is going to be made in favor of market participants therefore we are interested in receiving your valuable opinion. It will considerably help TSOs, PXs and NRAs to plan the way forward towards the European Internal Electricity Market in the most efficient way.
Please answer the following question:
Do you have any objection to the solution where both the NWE region and five markets are coupled via Swe-Pol link and there will be one unique GCT set to 12h00 CET? At the same time on some borders between them the transmission capacity will be (for transitional period of time) still allocated via explicit auctions organized by CAO GmbH?
• We do not have any objection against 12h00 CET.
• Shifting GCT to 12h00 CET is not acceptable for us until implicit auction is introduced on all CEE borders. This means coupling with Polish day-ahead market will not be implemented before introduction of implicit auction on all CEE borders.
If it is not acceptable for you, would you please indicate what your major concerns are?
We all would like to thank you very much in advance for your valuable input to this issue. Your position will be taken into consideration by the final decision.
Please see the entire content of the Survey, including the form to be returned in case of participation.
Please note that ANRE is in charge of this Survey in Romania, therefore we kindly ask you to visit ANRE’s website for additional information concerning the development of this process.
15 August 2010 – The transparent electricity trading on Opcom markets reached 10 years! More ...