Information Package for the SDAC 15-Minute MTU Joint Member Testing
We are pleased to inform you that the Information Package for the SDAC 15-Minute MTU Joint Member Testing Phase was published. You can find the material on the [NEMO Committee] and [ENTSO-E]. websites.
OPCOM will organize a webinar on the introduction of the 15-Minute Market Time Unit (MTU) within the Romanian Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) planned on 25th of March 2025 (presentation will be held in Romanian language) and on 26th of March 2025 (presentation will be held in English language).
SDAC 15Min MTU workshop organized by Market Coupling Consultative Group Meeting
We are pleased to invite you to the online workshop organized by the Market Coupling Consultative Group (MCCG) on 14th of February 2025. The session will take place from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. The workshop will focus on the introduction of the 15-Minute Market Time Unit (MTU) within the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC). The detailed agenda, including registration instructions, can be found here.
OPCOM publishes the document concerning Second auctions: Frequently Asked Questions
View Details HERE.
OPCOM announces the organization on 20.03.2024 of the following test, with the involvement of market participants, within Single Day Ahead Coupling, SDAC: Full Decoupling..
Common Invitation is available HERE.
Details about this test will be distributed to the Market Participants by email.
NEMO Committee announces the organization of the 1st Annual Conference
We are pleased to invite you on September 20 to the NEMO Committee’s 1st Annual Conference. You have the option to participate either online or in person. You can find the registration form under this link and the agenda is available here.
OPCOM announces the organization on 13.10.2022 of the following test, with the involvement of market participants, within Single Day Ahead Coupling, SDAC: Full Decoupling.
Common Invitation is available HERE.
Details about this test will be distributed to the Market Participants early next week.
Publication of CACM Annual Report 2021
Successful go-live of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project 08/06/2022
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market reviewed for the Core FB MC Project
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market (working document) reviewed for the Core FB MC Project. It is important to note that the bidding process, other actions and processes in relation to the market participants do not change, except for the Decoupling processes deadlines as follows:.
The other updates are in principal related to:
The Operational Messages document has also been reviewed.
We kindly request to submit your proposals for Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market to not later than noon on 06 April 2022.18.10.2021
OPCOM announces the organization on 20.10.2021 of the following test, with the involvement of market participants, within the BG-RO Market Coupling project:Partial Decoupling, including Shadow Auctions run by JAO (for reasons related to CZC).
OPCOM submit to the public consultation process Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market, revised in context of RO-BG border integration under the Single Day-Ahead Market Coupling (SDAC, Single Day-Ahead Coupling) by implementation of the Market Coupling Project from Romania and Bulgaria (BG-RO MC). The operational messages document remain unchanged.
Please send your proposal at Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market to email, until 06th of October 2021, inclusively.
Following the public consultation process of the Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market, updated considering the switch to operation in coupled mode at European level at the time of implementation of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC project, OPCOM publishes the summary of received comments on Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market, sent to ANRE for approval.
In addition, OPCOM publishes a complementary document to the Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market, in which the operational messages, initially included in the annex to the Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market, were moved to facilitate a dynamic updating process whenever that is required by the functioning of the Romanian Day-Ahead Market under the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC), and to be transmitted to the participants (via the local trading system and / or via email) in various market situations, as presented in the document.
Also, following the public consultation process, OPCOM publishes:
Having regard to the request of some market participants to extend the period during which OPCOM seeks to gather views on the following procedures:
updated considering the switch to operation in coupled mode at European level at the time of implementation of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC project, we inform you that the new deadline by which you can send your proposals to is 28.05.2021, inclusively.
With regard to the „Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market”, the amendments made relate mainly to:
with the following clarifications:
Furthermore, considering that ANRE has submitted to the public consultation the "Order for the repeal of the Regulation for organization and functioning of the day-ahead electricity market in compliance with the price market coupling mechanism and amendment of some procedural acts that regulate the day-ahead electricity market approved with the Order of ANRE President No. 82/2014”, the „Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market” to be endorsed by ANRE has been amended to include the provisions deemed necessary to be maintained following the repeal of this order which aims to regulate the functioning of the day-ahead electricity market.
With regard to amndment process of the „Operational procedure regarding the receipts and payments related to the transactions on the Day Ahead Market” and the „Operational procedure regarding the establishment, verification and use of financial guarantees for the participation in the Day Ahead Market”, we would like to emphasize that these documents have been amended according to the timing for the coupling session, the provisions related to time limit against which the validation guarantee is calculated, and other elements (definitions) required to be harmonised with the „Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market” provisions.
To support the Market Participants, both „Operational procedure regarding the receipts and payments related to the transactions on the Day Ahead Market” and the „Operational procedure regarding the establishment, verification and use of financial guarantees for the participation in the Day Ahead Market” have been supplemented with a new chapter concerning the market participants’ right to make appeals (terms, contestable elements, the content of the appeal, the deadlines by which OPCOM is required to rule an any justified dispute etc.).
OPCOM submit to public consultation the Operational procedure regarding functioning of the Day-Ahead electricity Market (working document), updated in the sense of moving to operation in a coupled mechanism at European level with the implementation of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC project, a context in which the actions and deadlines in the pre-coupling, coupling and post-coupling processes are adapted / modified.
Please send your proposal to email, until 25th of May 2021, inclusively.
OPCOM submit to public consultation the Operational procedure regarding the receipts and payments related to the transactions on the Day Ahead Market, (working document), and Operational procedure regarding the establishment, verification and use of financial guarantees for the participation in the Day Ahead Market, (working document), updated in the sense of moving to operation in a coupled mechanism at European level with the implementation of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC project, a context in which the actions and deadlines in the related processes are adapted / modified
Please send your proposal to email, until 28th of May 2021, inclusively.
Webinar presenting the implementation of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC (Interim Coupling) Project
21 April 2021
14:30 - 16:30
DE-AT-PL-4M MC (Interim Coupling) Project: 21st April webinar presenting information about the expected changes and the member tests
NEMOs and TSOs had a joint webinar on 21 April to provide market participants with detailed information about the expected changes and the member tests scheduled for the second half of May.
Slides Implementation of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC (Interim Coupling) Project Event
Recordings of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC (Interim Coupling) Project Event
Clarification of DAM changes applicable from the day of delivery 01.02.2021
We inform you of the following clarification that complements the announcement published by OPCOM on 19.01.2021:
OPCOM publishes the examples of NF for DAM aplicable from the delivery day 01.02.2021
For Physical Notifications testing, OPCOM publishes examples (xml files) of a participant's transactions notification / Physical Notification of concluded transactions related to a BRP:
(right click / save)
Dear Day Ahead Market Participants,
By this information, once with implementing the settlement with a resolution of 15 minutes (1st of February 2021), OPCOM would like to highlight the following aspects referring to the functioning of the Day Ahead Electricity Market:
The implementation of the new rules will have no effect on the available validation guarantee for positive price bids and/or negative price offers and neither on receivings /payments mechanism, respectively direct debit mandates and bank guarantee letter.
With regard to the applicable rules, OPCOM informs market participants that the package of rules for the Day Ahead electricity market updated for operation as of 01.02.2021 has been published for consultation in accordance with the ANRE President's Order No. 230/16.12.2021, other applicable national or European provisions, respectively:
For any questions or additional information requests OPCOM making the generic address available to market participants and other interested parties as well.19.01.2021
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Day Ahead Market electricity market Accession Agreement and Procedure related to the operation of the Day Ahead Market electricity market revised following the transition to Physical Notifications with a granularity of 15 minutes.
Please send your proposals to email, in letter format, assumed by the legal representative of the company, and in word format until 29th of January 2021.
Information about the incident on 19/03/2016 - 4M MC decoupling
On the 19/03/2016 during the market coupling session for delivery day 20/03/2016 technical issue with integration of market coupling results was identified.
As the issue was not resolved by the deadline set by the 4M MC procedures, market participants were informed on Incident Committee decision to decouple CZ, SK , HU and RO markets.
Communication to market participants ran exactly according to the 4M MC procedures and process in the decoupling mode took place correctly.
The cause of the issue was identified shortly after the incident and also workaround which will prevent the issue from happening again, was applied.
IMPORTANT! Dear DAM participants we remind you that, according to:
10.11.2014 will be the last trading day based on current DAM rules and on currently DAM trading system version for delivery day 11.11.2014. This delivery day shall contain 25 hourly intervals. You can find details for creating the XML offer file within the attached presentation sustained during the training on-line that all DAM participants had been invited to participate.
The trading day 11.11.2014 shall be the first trading day for delivery day 12.11.2014 based on trading rules provided within the Regulation mentioned above and on the new version of DAM trading sistem adapted to new DAM trading rules. Trading intervals starting with this delivery day relate to CET.
IMPORTANT! The TEMPLATE was published for the creation of offers for the DAM for the testing period of the trading system with the new functionalities that the participants will use in the bidding process starting from the moment of their entry into operation.
Introducing 4M Market Coupling Project and planned operational market design
The Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian NRAs, TSOs and PXs are jointly working on implementing the extension of CZ-SK-HU Market Coupling to Romanian day-ahead electricity market based on PCR solution. The planned Go-Live Date is 11 November 2014. The parties present an overview of the project and a description of the planned future operation of the 4M Market Coupling