

  •  OPCOM: RegCV eng

    Documents are in Romanian only

    Green Certificates Registry
    Procedure for recording in Green Certificates Register of the Green Certificates status.

    The RegCV software application allows the online consultation of the own accounts by the Green Certificates Market participants.
    A new version (4.22) of the software application RegCV has been released. This new version introduces a new state for the Green Certificates (“VALABIL-AMÂNAT”).
    This application must be installed on a computer using the Microsoft Windows (7, 8.x or 10) operating system and “.NET Framework” 4.0 (or later).
    To install the RegCV’s application please proceed to the following steps:

    1. Copy and extract the archive downloaded from this address into a new folder.
    2. Read the instructions from RegCV – User’s Manual.
    3. Install RegCV by running the ”setup.exe” executable.
    4. Run the RegCV program.

    To display the data registered within the owned accounts in the Green Certificates Registry you must request the disclosure of your access password from OPCOM.
    Considering that the Green Certificates are valuable asset titles, only the company’s legal representative or its empowered representatives can request access and nominate authorized persons for displaying the data in the Green Certificates Registry.
    The access requests will only be solved considering the order of their reception in OPCOM.

    On first connection to the server it is necessary to input the participant code and change the initial access password provided by OPCOM (on first server connection, the user can only choose the „change password” option). The new password requires at least 8 characters and at most 15 characters.
    If you have already accessed the Green Certificate Register, after installing version 4.21 you do not have to change the access password.

    Green Certificates Registry consultation program:
    Monday - Friday      08:00 – 17:00 (Romanian Time)

    Documents receipt regarding green certificates transactions:
    Monday - Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30;
    Friday: 08:00 – 14:30.
    Documents received after the time ranges specified above will be recorded on the next business day.

    Support contact data:
    For general details regarding GCM:

    For technical details regarding GCR:

    Opcom Announcements