

  •  OPCOM: RegCV eng

    Documents are in Romanian only

    Green Certificates Registry
    Procedure for entering the status of Green Certificates in the Green Certificate Registry.
    The RegCV software application serves the Green Certificates Registry and can be used by the Green Certificates Market participants to consult their accounts online.
    Version 4.5 of the RegCV application introduces a new status for Green Certificates ("RESERVED"). RegCV application must be run on a computer (PC, laptop) with Windows 7, 8.x, 10 and 11 operating systems and ".NET Framework" 4.8 (or newer version). Please read "RegCV - User Manual-v_4.5" inside the archive.
    To run the RegCV application, please follow these steps:

    To visualize the data registered in the accounts held in the Green Certificates Registry, you must request OPCOM SA to distribute the access password. Given that Green Certificates are securities with asset value, the request for access and the nomination of authorized persons to view the data in the Green Certificates Register can only be made by an address signed by the legal representative or his authorized representatives.

    Access requests are only processed in the order in which signed addresses are received.
    Attention. When logging on the server for the first time, enter the participant code and change the initial password provided by OPCOM SA (the server will only accept the "change password" option when logging on for the first time). The new password must have a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 15 characters.
    If you have already accessed the Green Certificates Register, you do not need to change your password.
    Green Certificates Registry consultation program:
    Monday - Friday      08:00 – 17:00 (Romanian Time)
    Documents receipt regarding green certificates transactions:
    Monday - Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30;
    Friday: 08:00 – 14:30.
    Documents received after the time ranges specified above will be recorded on the next business day.
    Support contact data:
    For general details regarding GCM:

    For technical details regarding GCR:

    Opcom Announcements