

  •  OPCOM: PCGN-OTC produse eng
    PCGN-OTC /Standard Products


    Base load contracts market

    GN_B_WkEnd – delivery for week-end contracts
    GN_B_Wk – delivery for weekly contracts
    GN_B_M – delivery for monthly contracts
    GN_B_Q – delivery for quarterly contracts
    GN_B_H – delivery for semester contracts (calendar semester)
    GN_B_Win/Sum - delivery for season contracts (gas semester)
    GN_B_Y – delivery for calendar yearly contracts
    GN_B_GY – delivery for gas yearly contracts

    Specific products defined by OPGN in the trading platform, complying with the characteristics of the natural gas offers, are the type:

    Considering NZ, current sliding day, as a reference:

    GN_B_WkEnd_ NZW_NL_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one weekend delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the day the weekend begins (NZW), of the month (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    Considering NS, current sliding week, as a reference:

    GN_B_Wk_NS+1_NZ_NL_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas week delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the week number from year (NS), start day number of the week (NZ) of the month (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Wk_NS+2_NZ_NL_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas week delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the week number from year (NS), start day number of the week (NZ) of the month (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Wk_NS+3_NZ_NL_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas week delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the week number from year (NS), start day number of the week (NZ) of the month (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Wk_NS+4_NZ_NL_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas week delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the week number from year (NS), start day number of the week (NZ) of the month (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    Considering NL, current sliding month, as a reference:

    GN_B_M_NL+1_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas month delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the month name of year (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_M_NL+2_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas month delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the month name of year (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_M_NL+3_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas month delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the month name of year (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_M_NL+4_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas month delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the month name of year (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_M _NL+5_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas month delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the month name of year (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_M_NL+6_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas month delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the month name of year (NL) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    Considering NTR, current sliding quarter, as a reference:

    GN_B_Q_NTR+1_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas quarter delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the quarter number of year (NTR) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Q_NTR+2_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas quarter delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the quarter number of year (NTR) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Q_NTR+3_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas quarter delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the quarter number of year (NTR) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Q_NTR+4_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas quarter delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the quarter number of year (NTR) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Q_NTR+5_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas quarter delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the quarter number of year (NTR) and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    Considering NSM, current sliding calendar semester, as a reference:

    GN_B_H_NSM+1_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one calendar semester delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning calendar semester and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_H_NSM+2_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one calendar semester delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning calendar semester and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    Considering NSM, current sliding season (gas semester), as a reference:

    GN_B_Win_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one season (gas semester) delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the season and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Sum_AN – Base load natural gas forward contract for one season (gas semester) delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the season and the last two digits of the delivery year (AN)

    Considering AN, current sliding calendar year, as a reference:

    GN_B_Y_AN+1 – Base load natural gas forward contract for one calendar year delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_Y_AN+2 – Base load natural gas forward contract for one calendar year delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the delivery year (AN)

    Considering AN, current sliding gas year, as a reference:

    GN_B_GY_AN+1 – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas year delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the delivery year (AN)

    GN_B_GY_AN+2 – Base load natural gas forward contract for one gas year delivery period. The name of the instrument contains information concerning the delivery year (AN)

    Opcom Announcements