

  •  OPCOM: PCCB-LE Revocare eng
    Withdrawals/Revocations on CMBC-EA

    Claimed Party Revoking/
    Withdrawal Date
    Revoking Reason/Withdrawal cases
    DONAU CHEM S.R.L. 01.02.2020 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.7. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LORD ENERGY S.R.L. 01.02.2020 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.7. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PREMIER ENERGY S.R.L. 01.02.2020 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.7. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    IZVOR DE LUMINA S.R.L. 01.02.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ATS ENERGY S.A. 21.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.5.10. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    A ENERGY IND S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    COMPANIA MUNICIPALA ENERGETICA BUCURESTI S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    A6 IMPEX S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FREEPOINT COMMODITIES EUROPE LLP 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EAST WIND FARM S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    INDUSTRIAL ENERGY S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LJG GREEN SOURCE ENERGY BETA S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LJG GREEN SOURCE ENERGY GAMMA S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PLENERG S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VERBUND TRADING ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CERNAVODA POWER S.A.  01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CUJMIR SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FOTON EPSILON S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    IMOB EXPERT CONSULTING S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    KOMPACT GRID S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PESTERA WIND FARM S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    POTELU SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SIBIOARA WIND FARM S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    STUDINA SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VANJU MARE SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CYEB S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    AQUA ENERGIA S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EZPADA s.r.o. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MET RO NRG S.R.L. 31.12.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GDM LOGISTICS S.R.L. 30.12.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LOTUS ENERGY S.R.L. 06.12.2019 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.1. and point 5 from Annex 4 and article 6.5.10. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.


    14.11.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    INTERENERGO, ENERGETSKI INZENIRING d.o.o. 05.11.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENEL TRADE ROMANIA S.R.L. 26.09.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SMART ENERGY POWER S.R.L. 19.09.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    STATKRAFT MARKETS GmbH 29.08.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.


    01.07.2019 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FLAVUS INVESTITII S.R.L. 10.06.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GRENERG S.R.L. 01.06.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LUKOIL ENERGY & GAS ROMANIA S.R.L. 21.05.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGY DETA S.R.L. 16.04.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    INSTITUTUL DE STUDII SI PROIECTARI HIDROENERGETICE-ISPH S.A. 01.04.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EFE ENERGY S.R.L. 07.03.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ALPIQ ENERGY SE 26.02.2019 Withdrawal of the right to participate to the Romanian electricity markets according to ANRE decision no. 225/20.02.2019
    IMAM SOLE E VENTO S.R.L. 08.02.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    01.02.2019 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    UNIT ENERGY TRADE S.R.L. 01.02.2019 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ALPIQ ROMINDUSTRIES S.R.L. 18.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    C.E.T. ARAD S.A. 11.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    NEW ENERGY MANAGEMENT S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ECOSFER ENERGY S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LUCAS EST S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    OLTCHIM S.A. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    E.V.A. ENERGY S.A. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    HIDRO CLEAR S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    HIDRO CLEAR FAGARAS S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LEMAR GRUP S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CORABIA SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    POWER L.I.V.E. ONE S.A. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EOLIAN PROJECT S.R.L. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ROMELECTRO S.A. 01.01.2019 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CURENT ALTERNATIV S.R.L. 04.12.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FOMCO SOLAR SYSTEMS S.R.L. 30.09.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    AGRIND SINCRAI S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    AGRO TRIO S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    AGRO-CARMOLACT S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    AGROMOL S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    ALCOPA ENERGY S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    AMPER S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    CLARANCE KEMP S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    CONCAZMAR PROD COM S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.


    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    CRASNAHYDRO S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    CRISTAL TRANS C&I S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    D.M.T. SOLAR S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    EOLIAN PLUS S.A. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    GERMAN ENERGY S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    HIDROPROD S.A. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    HYDROVEST ENERGY S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    N&H E COMMERCE S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    ORI EXP S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    PETCAMAX S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.


    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    PROMAT COMIMPEX S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    RASUN ENERGY S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.


    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    RODALI CARGO S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    SOLAR REMUS S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    SPINE GREEN FV S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    SUNFIELDS NORD S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    SOLINA ROMANIA S.R.L.  21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    VOLTACOM DOL S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    WEST SEMPOWER S.R.L. 21.09.2018

    The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.

    ZARMOSI SOLAR ENERGY S.R.L. 21.09.2018 The cause that lead to the suspension has not been removed, respective missing ACER code.
    GENERAL ENERGETIC S.A. 19.07.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELECTRO HOLDING S.R.L. 07.07.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FOMCO SOLAR SYSTEMS S.R.L. 01.05.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    POWER GATE S.R.L. 01.04.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SAPIEM CONTROL S.R.L. 22.03.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VARO FUTURE DEVELOPMENT S.R.L. 22.03.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VARO GREEN DEVELOPMENT S.R.L. 22.03.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    INDUSTRIAL INSTALSERVICE S.R.L. 01.03.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELECTRIC PROD S.A. 01.02.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EOL ENERGY S.R.L. 01.02.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SMART BIZ MANAGEMENT SRL 01.02.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    XALANDINE ENERGY S.R.L. 01.02.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    BLUE LINE ENERGY S.R.L. 01.02.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENVISAN NV, BELGIA-SUCURSALA PITESTI 30.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GENERAL CONCRETE CERNAVODA S.R.L. 26.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    POWER CLOUDS S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    BLUE PLANET INVESTMENTS S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MIDAS & CO S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    HIDROELECTRICA DEL VALEA LUI VLAD S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    E.V.A. ENERGY S.A. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ABSOLUTE ENERGY S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    COTROCENI PARK S.A. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PETROL BUCHAREST ROM S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    RA-RA PARC S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    BIT-REEN S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SUN ENERGY COMPLET S.A. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    BEPCO S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FLAVUS INVESTITII S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EVIVA NALBANT S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MHC WATER POWER S.A. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    NEPTUN S.A. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SETRA ENERGY S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CLUE SOLAR S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ALIZEU EOLIAN S.A. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    BRAILA WINDS S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    INTERTRANS KARLA S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    BRIDGECONSTRUCT S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    HORIA GREEN S.R.L. 29.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ECOGEN ENERGY S.A. 28.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    IZVOR DE LUMINA S.R.L. 22.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GPSB SOLARIS 48 S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EWIND S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SMART CLEAN POWER S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SOFT GROUP S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    DAN HOLDING MGM S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CARACAL SOLAR ALPHA S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CASA CRANG S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FORT GREEN ENERGY S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SOLAR FUTURE ENERGY S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VIENNA ENERGY FORTA NATURALA S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    POLIMED ENERGY TRADING S.R.L. 15.12.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    DELTA & ZETA ENERGY S.A. 27.10.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GAMA & DELTA ENERGY S.A. 27.10.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    TIS ENERGY S.A. 27.10.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELSACO ENERGY S.R.L. 23.10.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    C-GAZ & ENERGY DISTRIBUTIE S.R.L. 10.10.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MWH TRADE INVEST S.R.L. 03.10.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    FIDELIS ENERGY S.R.L. 03.10.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SERVICII COMUNALE S.A. 08.09.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    KDF ENERGY S.R.L. 07.09.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MET ROMANIA ENERGY TRADE S.R.L. 10.08.2017 Withdrawal from the Trade Registry according to the Bucharest Tribunal Decision no. 109 / 22.06.2017
    E.V.A. ENERGY S.A. 01.07.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CINTA ENERGY S.A. 01.07.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    DONAU CHEM S.R.L. 29.06.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ECO2ENERGY CHOICE S.R.L. 29.06.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SOCIETATEA ENERGETICA ELECTRICA S.A. 26.06.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELECTRO HOLDING S.R.L. 24.06.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    OMV TRADING GmbH 12.06.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GALA SOUTHERN EAST EUROPE S.A. 19.05.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MET ROMANIA ENERGY TRADE S.R.L. 01.05.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SAB ENERGY SERVICES S.R.L. 11.04.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EDISON TRADING SpA MILANO - SUCURSALA BUCURESTI 02.04.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ARELCO ENERGY S.R.L. 17.02.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ARELCO POWER S.R.L. 17.02.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PETOSOLAR S.R.L. 03.02.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELNET S.R.L. 03.02.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    A6 IMPEX S.A. 03.02.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ORAS MIZIL 19.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    M&M 2008 S.R.L. 11.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.

    VIS SOLARIS 2011 S.R.L. 11.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.

    GENERAL COM INVEST S.R.L. 09.01.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    AVICOM S.A. 04.01.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SIMICO PROD FACTORY S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    UGM ENERGY TRADING S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PHOTOVOLTAIC GREEN PROJECT S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GREENLIGHT SOLUTIONS S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ESPE ENERGIA S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ABSOLUTE ENERGY S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGIE ECOLOGICA ROGIS SGR S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GRENERG S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    NEXT POWER S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    PREFAB S.A. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    AQUA ENERGIA S.A. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELECTRIC PLANNERS S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EDP RENEWABLES ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2017 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGIEALLIANZ AUSTRIA GmbH 31.12.2016 The withdrawal was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    RAFFLES ENERGY S.R.L. 01.12.2016 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGY MARKET CONSULTING S.R.L. 05.10.2016 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    28.09.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    HIDRO ENERGY LAND S.R.L. 05.07.2016 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGY HOLDING S.R.L. 01.07.2016 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VERTIS ENERGY S.A. 07.06.2016 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LIQUID ENERGY S.R.L. 01.06.2016 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELECTRA MANAGEMENT & SUPPLY S.R.L. 22.05.2016 Revocarea s-a aplicat în conformitate cu prevederile art. 6.5.5. din Procedura privind înregistrarea participanţilor la pieţele centralizate de energie electrică administrate de OPCOM S.A.
    STOCK ENERGY S.R.L. 15.05.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CEO - TRADING S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    QUALITYSOLAR S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ROMENERGY INDUSTRY S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    WERK ENERGY S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    TERRA AGRO INVEST S.R.L. 21.03.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    VIENNA ENERGY FORTA NATURALA S.R.L. 15.03.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    AQUA ENERGIA S.A. 03.03.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    AGRO BIO CODRU S.R.L. 01.03.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    IZVOR DE LUMINA S.R.L. 29.02.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    ADERRO G.P. ENERGY S.R.L. 05.02.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    HIDRO PRIBOIASA II MHC S.R.L. 01.02.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    ECG POWER TRADING S.R.L. 29.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    POWER CLOUDS S.R.L. 25.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    PETOSOLAR S.R.L. *) 25.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    INVERSOLAR ENERGY S.A. 22.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    COTROCENI PARK S.A. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    ELECTRICOM S.A. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    EOLIAN CENTER S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    CIS ENERGY S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    NEPTUN S.A. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    QIA INDUSTRIAL S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    CYEB S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    REPOWER VANZARI ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    ROMENERGO HIDRO S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    EDPR RO TRADING S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    TINMAR-IND S.A. 23.12.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    AUTENTIC SOLAR GRUP S.R.L. 12.11.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    ICPE ELECTROCOND TECHNOLOGIES S.A. 21.08.2015 Not paying the invoice related to the management component of the regulated tariff for CMBC-EA, application of art.6.5.5. of the “Procedure regarding the participants’ registration on centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM SA"
    TIS ENERGY S.A. 15.07.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    DELTA & ZETA ENERGY S.A. 15.07.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    GAMA & DELTA ENERGY S.A. 15.07.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    BIOL ENERGY S.R.L. 01.07.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    TRANSENERGO MICROHIDRO S.R.L. 24.02.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    GRIVCO S.A. 06.02.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative

    *) Registered again to the market after passing through a new registration full process, according to the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.