

  •  OPCOM: OTC_Revocari_EN
    Revocation Cases on CM-OTC
    Revoked/Withdrawn Participant Date Reason
    ENERGY GATE S.R.L. 01.01.2025 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.


    01.01.2025 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.


    01.01.2025 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.


    01.01.2025 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.


    31.12.2024 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    RETELE ELECTRICE BANAT S.A. 30.11.2024 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    RETELE ELECTRICE DOBROGEA S.A. 30.11.2024 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EZPADA AG 01.07.2024 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    S.C. VEOLIA ENERGIE ROMANIA S.A. 26.06.2024 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GAS & POWER TRADING S.R.L. 01.02.2024 Revocation was applied in accordance with the provisions of the Article 6.5.8. and point 1 from Annex 4 from the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    TRANSFORMER ENERGY SUPPLY S.R.L. 01.01.2024 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.

    Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.

    D. TRADING d.o.o. 12.12.2023

    Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.

    CENTRICA ENERGY TRADING A/S 16.11.2023 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EVN TRADING SOUTH EAST EUROPE EAD 10.10.2023 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CHIMCOMPLEX S.A. BORZESTI 06.10.2023 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    S.C. CORNI EOLIAN S.A. 03.10.2023 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    D. TRADING INTERNATIONAL SA 02.08.2023 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    FREEPOINT COMMODITIES EUROPE LLP 09.03.2023 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    INTERENERGO, ENERGETSKI INZENIRING d.o.o. 01.02.2023 Revocation was applied in accordance with the provisions of the Article 6.5.8. and point 1 from Annex 4 from the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELNET INSTAL S.R.L. 01.02.2023 Revocation was applied in accordance with the provisions of the Article 6.5.8. and point 1 from Annex 4 from the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    KOMPACT GRID S.R.L. 01.01.2023 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ENEX S.R.L. 01.01.2023 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ENERGY GATE S.R.L. 01.01.2023 Withdrawal on its own initiative.
    ALEGFURNIZORUL CONSULTING S.R.L. 01.01.2023 Withdrawal on its own initiative.
    ENERJISA EUROPE KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG 29.11.2022 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ADERRO G.P. ENERGY S.R.L. 04.06.2022 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    OMV GAS MARKETING & TRADING GMBH 13.01.2022 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    CEZ TRADE ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2022 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    A ENERGY IND S.R.L. 01.01.2022 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    AQUA ENERGIA S.R.L. 01.01.2022 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    MVM ENERGY TRADE PLUS S.R.L. 01.01.2022 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    GRAND ENERGY DISTRIBUTION EOOD 10.12.2021 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGY REPUBLIC TRADING S.R.L. 12.09.2021 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    WERK ENERGY S.R.L. 08.07.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative.
    ELPETRA ENERGY E.A.D. 06.07.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative.
    SOLAR POWER ENERGY RO S.R.L. 22.05.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative.
    VERBUND TRADING ROMANIA S.R.L. 11.05.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    RWE SUPPLY & TRADING GmbH 05.05.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative.
    AIK ENERGY LTD LONDRA SUCURSALA BUCURESTI 01.02.2021 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 1 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    LORD ENERGY S.R.L. 22.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ALPIQ ENERGY SE 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ATEL ENERGY ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ECOENERGIA S.R.L. 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    WE POWER TEAM S.R.L. 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ENERO FURNIZARE S.R.L. 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    SOCIETATEA DE DISTRIBUTIE A ENERGIEI ELECTRICE MUNTENIA NORD S.A. 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ROMELECTRO S.A. 01.01.2021 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ENERGO-PRO ENERGY SERVICES EAD 01.12.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ENOL GRUP S.A. 01.06.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    EDPR ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.03.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ATS ENERGY S.A. 21.01.2020 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.10. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    CERNAVODA POWER S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    CUJMIR SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    PESTERA WIND FARM S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    POTELU SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    SIBIOARA WIND FARM S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    STUDINA SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    VANJU MARE SOLAR S.A. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    UNIT ENERGY TRADE S.R.L. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    EZPADA s.r.o. 01.01.2020 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    MET RO NRG S.R.L. 31.12.2019 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ENEL TRADE ROMANIA S.R.L. 31.12.2019 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    STATKRAFT MARKETS GmbH 29.08.2019 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    EFE ENERGY S.R.L. 07.03.2019 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ALPIQ ENERGY SE 26.02.2019 Withdrawal of the right to participate to the Romanian electricity markets according to ANRE decision no. 225/20.02.2019
    GAZPROM MARKETING & TRADING LIMITED 06.02.2019 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    ALPIQ ROMINDUSTRIES S.R.L. 18.01.2019 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    SEE Power Trading AD 01.02.2018 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 1 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    MIDAS & CO S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    PETROL BUCHAREST ROM S.R.L. 01.01.2018 Withdrawal on its own initiative
    SOFT GROUP S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SMART CLEAN POWER S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    SMARTBREEZE S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GREEN ENERGY FARM S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EWIND S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EOL ENERGY MOLDOVA S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    DAN HOLDING MGM S.R.L. 21.12.2017 Withdrawal in accordance with article 6.4.1. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    POLIMED ENERGY TRADING S.R.L. 15.12.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    JAS Energy Trading s.r.o. 03.11.2017 Withdrawal on its own initiative


    03.10.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 3 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGIJA NATURALIS INT d.o.o. 18.09.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    SOCIETATEA ENERGETICA ELECTRICA S.A. 26.06.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    OMV TRADING GmbH 12.06.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    GALA SOUTHERN EAST EUROPE S.A. 19.05.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    MET ROMANIA ENERGY TRADE S.R.L. 01.05.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    C-GAZ & ENERGY DISTRIBUTIE S.R.L. 14.04.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    KDF ENERGY S.R.L. 10.04.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    EDISON TRADING SpA MILANO - SUCURSALA BUCURESTI 02.04.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    ARELCO POWER S.R.L. 17.02.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ELSACO ENERGY S.R.L. 01.01.2017 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    EDP RENEWABLES ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2017 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGIEALLIANZ AUSTRIA GmbH 31.12.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    GDM LOGISTICS S.R.L. 31.12.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    28.09.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.8. and point 5 from Annex 4 of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ENERGY HOLDING S.R.L. 01.07.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    VERTIS ENERGY S.A 07.06.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    EOLIAN PROJECT S.R.L. 04.05.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    QUALITYSOLAR S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    ROMENERGY INDUSTRY S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    GENERAL CONCRETE CERNAVODA S.R.L. 01.04.2016 The revocation was applied in accordance with article 6.5.5. of the Procedure regarding participants’ registration at centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
    VIENNA ENERGY FORTA NATURALA S.R.L. 15.03.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    S.C. REPOWER VANZARI ROMANIA S.R.L. 01.01.2016 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    REPOWER TRADING CESKA REPUBLIKA s.r.o. 31.12.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    S.C. TINMAR-IND S.A. 23.12.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    02.03.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    S.C. GEN-I BUCHAREST ELECTRICITY TRADING AND SALES S.R.L. 01.01.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
    S.C. GRIVCO S.A. 01.01.2015 Withdrawal at its own initiative
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