The Intraday Electricity Market (IDM) is a component of the wholesale electricity market on which firm electricity transactions are concluded for each interval of the delivery day starting from the day before the delivery day after the conclusion of transactions on DAM.
The Intraday Market includes two trading mechanisms under SIDC, respectively:
As of 19.11.2019 the Romanian Intra-Day Market is functioning worked in coupled mode with the markets from the other countries participating in the European project SIDC- Single Intra-Day Coupling (previously known as XBID) with the goal of introducing pan-European cross-border trading on the Intra-Day horizon, respectively Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, while Italy joined as part of the European project known as SIDC – Single Intra-Day Coupling, as of 21 September 2021. Cooperation at European level was extended to 25 countries due to successful integration of Slovakia and Greece energy markets in SIDC, as of 29 November 2022.
The Intra-Day Market regulations are provided in the Procedure concerning the functioning of the Intra-Day Market, approved by ANRE Advice no. 89 of 11.11.2019, in other specific procedures and the Short Term Electricity Market Participation Agreement (Day-Ahead Market and Intra-Day market), documents available here. Also, the Single Intra-Day Coupling (SIDC) applies the relevant provisions of the following documents which can be consulted on the OPCOM website here or on the website of the Electricity Market Operators Committee, here:
Next to the Day-Ahead Market, the Intra-Day Market supports reaching the balance between demand and supply because the participants have the opportunity to trade on this market closer to the time of physical delivery (for both markets, DAM and IDM functioning in the single pan-European couplings, the trading is carried out in CET hours, meaning that all time frames are expressed in CET hours).
As the amount of intermittent production from renewable resources increased, interest in trading on Intra-Day Markets intensified, as it became increasingly difficult for market participants to establish a balanced position after closing the Day-Ahead Market.
Balancing as close to the time of physical delivery is beneficial for both market participants and energy systems, reducing, among other things, the need for reserves and the associated costs. In addition, the Intra-Day Market is an essential tool that allows market participants to take into account unexpected changes in consumption, as well as accidental interruptions.
The Intra-Day Market is a continuous market, with trading taking place every day up to one hour before delivery. In order to respond to the dynamics of supply and demand, OPCOM offers participants defined products in the context of the single intraday markets coupling. A product defines the rules that govern the generation of contracts. The relationship between products and contracts is 1 to 'n', meaning each product will have several contracts and each contract will belong to one and the same product.
The continuous matching trading algorithm will support the following types of orders:
The continuous matching trading algorithm will support the following types of orders:
The continuous correlation trading algorithm supports OPCOM products or a combination of them as follows:
The continuous matching trading algorithm supports the following order execution restrictions:
The continuous correlation trading algorithm will support the following restrictions on the validity of the orders:
The intra-day system capacities are provided by the transmission system operators (TSOs) and are determined by the relevant TSOs after establishing the cross-border flows following the day-ahead auction. The exact timing of the allocation of capacity varies and depends both on the operational procedures and the agreements between TSOs on the different borders. Intra-day capacities are automatically updated, depending on the volume and direction of the intra-day trades.
The intra-day market is open 24/7, 365 days a year, offering hourly and block products that provide the flexibility needed to meet market needs. The trades are concluded at the price of the existing order in the trading system.
The introduction of orders and trading is done in EUR / MWh, while the receiving rights and payment obligations are made in RON, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Romanian National Bank regulations. Each IDM participant who recorded trades for a delivery day can access two Daily Settlement Notes for the respective delivery day, namely a Daily Settlement Note that contains prices and values in EUR and a Daily Settlement Note that contains the prices and the values in RON. For a day of delivery, the prices and values in RON from the Daily Settlement Note are determined at the exchange rate established by the RNB, prior to the opening time for trading the contracts for the respective day of delivery (15:00 CET).
The collateral guarantee, in EUR, is updated daily at 15:00 CET based on the net payment obligations of the IDM participant for all trades concluded for the previous delivery day (s) and for the current delivery day, determined at the currency exchange rate established by the RNB, used for the next delivery day (s). The collateral guarantee will be automatically diminished by the value of the active orders / trades made by buying at positive prices / selling at negative prices.
Participation in the Intra-day Market is voluntary and is allowed to all License holders and economic operators, foreign legal entity to whom ANRE was granted by decision the permission to carry out in Romania the supply activity or the activity of trader, registered as Participants in IDM (electricity producers, suppliers, traders and network operators, aggregate entities). One of the mandatory conditions that the applicant must fulfill for registration in the IDM is to prove that he has concluded with the TSO the Agreement to assume the responsibility of balancing or that he has transferred the balancing responsibility to another Balancing Responsible Party.
The applicant must conclude with the Operatorul pieței de energie electrică și de gaze naturale „OPCOM” S.A. the Agreement to participate in the Intra-Day Electricity Market and to comply with the obligations contained therein.
IDM participants obtain information regarding their own trades concluded within the Intraday Market by accessing the M7 Trading system. OPCOM transmits to the TSO prior to each delivery hour and facilitates the balancing responsible Parties (BRP) access to the Physical Notifications corresponding to the IDM trades, by providing the hourly trading data, before the delivery time, through the post-trading system. OPCOM offers to the participants, also through the post-trading system, the settlement notes for a delivery day, the day after the delivery day.
Attached is the calendar for 2024 and for 2025 respectively, with delivery days for which the exchange rate is set in advance.
Hourly marks on the Intra-day Market operating in coupled conditions:
3:00 PM Opening a new trading day: order submitting and trading for the available contracts associated with the next delivery day
Updating the collateral guarantees based on the value of the net payment obligations of the IDM participant and the value related to the active orders and the concluded trades
4:00 PM Providing by TSOs of capacity on the TEL-ESO border for the next delivery day
10:00 PM Providing by TSOs of capacity on the TEL-MAVIR border for the next delivery day
08:00 AM Running the settlement; becomes available the Settlement Note containing prices and values in Euro and RON respectively for the day of delivery completed