

  •  OPCOM: PCV conventie, inregistrare PCV eng
    Green Certificates Market - Rules, Registration, Convention

    Registration to Green Certificates Market
    On the Green Certificates Market the following companies (legal persons, sole proprietorships, family businesses, self-employed persons) provided in art. 10 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of ROFGCM are allowed to register:

    All applicants will file to OPCOM a letter of intention to register as Participant to Green Certificates Market, accompanied by following documents:

    1. The application of the applicant to register as a GCM Participant, according to Annex no.1 (original signed).
    2. Green Certificates Market Participation Agreement.
    3. Certificate of Registration in the Trade Register (copy).
    4. ANRE decision on granting the License, if the applicant fulfills the conditions to hold a license according to Law 123 / 10.07.2012 (copy).
    5. The license granted by ANRE if the applicant fulfills the conditions to hold a license according to Law 123 / 10.07.2012 (copy).
    6. Annex with the electricity production units operated by the License holder, pursuant to the Conditions associated with the License – annex to the Decision for granting the License, as applicable, if the applicant meets the conditions for holding a license according to the law 123/10.07.2012 (copy).
    7. The ANRE decision concerning the certification for applying the promotion system by GC, for producers of electricity from renewable sources (copy), respectively the ANRE decision concerning the preliminary certification for applying the promotion system by GC, for producers of electricity from renewable sources undergoing probation (copy), followed by the submission of the documents provided – upon issuance of the Final Certification Decision.
    8. The first OTS notification for issuing a GC for producers of electricity from renewable sources of energy whose certification decision for applying the promotion system by GC has expired/has been withdrawn and who may re-register as participants to the GCM, for the trading of GCs recovered under the provisions of art. 6 para. (22) of Law 220/27.10.2008 for establishing the system to promote the production of electricity from renewable energy sources,” republished as subsequently amended and supplemented, until the expiry of the GCs issued to the same.
    9. The Connection Technical Evaluation Report/Connection Certificate issued by the Network Operator to which the electricity production output held by the producer of energy using electricity from proper consumption is connected, must purchase green certificates from the GCM, without holding power supply agreements concluded with the end consumers and without meeting the legal conditions for being granted a license by ANRE (copy).
    10. Notarized statement of the legal representative, showing that the economic operator represented falls within the category of economic operators obliged to purchase GCs, according to the model in Annex 2.
    11. Bailment Contract for the USB/Token Key required for access GCACSM and GCACTM ( 2 original copies signed by the legal representative of the company and, if applicable, stamped) according to the model published on the "OPCOM" S.A. website.
    12. Centralized document with the applicant's economic operator registration data, which includes:

    The necessary steps for an applicant in the registering process as a participant in the Green Certificates Market:
    1. Submission of a letter of intent to OPCOM, accompanied by the GCM specific documents;
    2. Payment of the invoice corresponding to the payment obligation for the GCM regulated tariff - registration component (if appropriate).

    Documents specific to the Green Certificates Market registration:

    Opcom Announcements