

  •  OPCOM: Despre PCCB-LE eng

    Mechanism Presentation (CMBC-EA_CMBC-CN_CMBC-FP Description)

    Sequence of events on Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts – Extended Auctions Mechanism (CMBC-EA)
    Sending the initiating offer:

    Sending the co-initiating offer:

    Sending the response offer:

    Sending price adjustment for initiating/co-initiating published offers:

    Opening of the auction session D: at the date and time set by CMBCO and published in the auction announcement;

    Publishing the results on OPCOM SA website: not later than 1 (one) working day after the end of the auction session (D+1);

    Sending the trading confirmations: not later than 1 (one) working day after the end of the auction session (D+1);

    Sending the bilateral contract of selling-buying electricity:

    First delivery day: no earlier than the 5th calendar day after 4 working days (D+5);

    Sending the invoice of the transaction tariff: within 3 working days at the beginning of the month that follows the month that transactions were concluded;

    Payment of the transaction tariff: according to the Procedure regarding the modalities and terms of payment of the regulated tariff applied by the electricity market operator;

    General features

    Between 05.06.2019 – 31.12.2019 the following daily delivery profiles were available for trading:

    The list of the delivery profiles applicable in the period 05.06.2019 - 31.12.2019 has been modified according to the provisions of the Procedure regarding the amendment of the electricity delivery profiles list based on the transactions concluded on Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts – Extended Auctions Mechanism and the transactions concluded on Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts – Continuous Negotiation Mechanism according to the trading results and the related statistical data published on the OPCOM website on 27.12.2019 at: “Announcements – News/ Product Groups/ Derivatives and Forward Markets”
    Opcom Announcements