OPCOM: Program spot enGCACSM Trading program
09:00 - Opening Bid - Submission of offers
09:00 – 11:00 Open auction (2 hours)
- Participants may enter, modify, suspend / activate and / or cancel their own sales / purchase bids for specific instruments
- Throughout the trading session, Participants may enter, modify, suspend / activate and / or cancel their own sales / purchase bids for specific instruments
- Orders entered are continuously ordered, descending for purchase orders and increasing for sales orders.
- The "Market Depth" Transaction window is updated.
11:00 – 11:10 - Transactions
- Offers matching is automatically done at the end of the trading session;
- The order’s matching takes into account the price (expressed with four decimal places) and the time stamp of each order;
- All transactions are concluded at the closing price of the Green Certificates Anonymous Centralized Spot Market (CPGCACSM) and is the equilibrium price automatically calculated by the trading system of the GCACSM so that the tradable amount to be maximum and the absolute value of the surplus offer to be minimal.
14:30 – 15:30 Reports View
- GCACSM participants can view current and/or historical statistical data on traded instruments