

  •  OPCOM: PCCB-PC despre EN
    CMBC-FP - About

    Presentation of centralized forward markets for electricity


    Mechanism Presentation (CMBC-FP Description)


    Sequence of events on Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts – Fuel Processing Mechanism (CMBC-FP)

    Submission by the initiating participant the initiating offer and the annexes containing specific provisions to the proposed framework contract for fuel processing, sent  by email: (D-4);
    4(four) working days before the start of the auction session, until 3 PM Monday - Thursday and until 12 PM on Friday;
    Checking the proposed offer and annexes containing specific provisions to the framework contract for fuel processing. In case of non-compliance with the CMBC-FP  Procedure, it  will be published  as Inconsistent Offer  and will be mentioned the reason (D-4);
    Publishing the announcement of the auction session, the initiating offer and the annexes containing specific provisions to the proposed framework contract: (D-3);
    3 (three) working days before the start of the auction session;
    Deadline for submitting response offers: not later than 1 (one) working day before the start of the auction session (D-1);
    Publishing the results on OPCOM SA website: (D+1);
    1 (one) working day after the end of the auction session;
    Sending the trading confirmations: (D+1);
    1 (one) working day after the end of the auction session;
    Concluding the bilateral contract for fuel processing: (D+3);
    3 (three) working days after the end of the auction session except the auction day;
    Checking the compliance of the concluded bilateral fuel processing contract with the result of the auction session and with the framework contract published with the initiating offer. In case of non-compliance CMBCO will suspend and penalize the concerned participants and will publish their identity and the reason of suspension on OPCOM website;
    First delivery day: no earlier than the 6th calendar day after 5 working days (D+6);
    Sending the invoice of the transaction tariff: within 3 working days at the beginning of the month that follows the month that transactions were concluded;

    Payment of the transaction tariff: according to the Procedure regarding the modalities and terms of payment of the regulated tariff applied by the electricity market operator.