OPCOM: PCTL_Inregistrare ENGCentralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (CMLT)
Registration, Agreement, Procedures, Rules
Registration to the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (CMLT)
On the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (PPA) (CMLT) can be registered:
- Economic operators who are to build and connect a capacity to produce electricity or to produce electricity and heat from cogeneration and that electricity will be traded under the contract concluded on the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts, as electricity sellers;
- License holders in the electricity sector and final customers as buyers of electricity.
All applicants will file to OPCOM a letter of intention to register as Participant to Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (PPA), accompanied by following documents:
- The Participation Agreement on the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (CMLT), two originals signed and stamped by legal representative.
- The applicant will file to OPCOM all the specific documents for the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (CMLT). In case the applicant is already registered to another electricity centralized market, will file the documents, if necessary, specific to the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (CMLT), accompanied by affidavit according to all documents filed in the previous registration process/processes are fully applicable and requires no update.
Steps to follow by applicants during registration process as Participant to Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts (CMLT) (PPA):
1. Submission of a letter of intent to OPCOM, accompanied by documents specific to electricity centralized market (if appropriate):
2. Payment of the invoice corresponding the payment obligation for the CMLT regulated tariff – component of registration (if appropriate).
Regulatory framework related to the Registration to the Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts:
- Procedure regarding participants’ registration at organized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
- Regulation (consolidated form) for organization and functioning of the market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts approved by the Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 129 of 24 June 2020, subsequently amended and supplemented :
- Order no. 27 of March 31, 2021, amending and supplementing orders of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority.
- Order no. 129 of June 24, 2020 for approval the Regulation on the organized trading framework on the centralized market for awarding long term electricity contracts, published in the Official Journal no. 562 of 29 June 2020.
- Participation Agreement in the Bilateral Contracts Markets
- Addendum to the Participation Agreement – template for recording any modification of market participants' identification data
- Procedure concerning the functioning of Centralized Market for awarding Long Term Electricity Contracts that will be applied starting with 01.07.2021..
- Tariffs applied by the centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM S.A.
- Request for granting the digital certificate issued by OPCOM SA together with the login data (user and password) necessary for access to the CMLT trading platform;
- CMLT Market Participant’s Guide
- ActivID ActivClient Installation Manual Guide
Templates for offers according to ANRE no. 129/2020:
- Template for minimum price initiating selling offer on CMLT that will be applied starting with 01.07.2021.
- Template for maximum price initiating buying offer on CMLT that will be applied starting with 01.07.2021