

  •  OPCOM: Proceduri / Tranzactionare continua (IDCT) eng
    Intra-Day Market / Continuous Trading (IDCT) - Procedures

    1. ANRE Order no. 63/31.03.2020 for approving implementation schedule of measures needed to ensure the conditions for settlement at 15 min interval scope, RO version only;
    2. ANRE Order no. 65/31.03.2020 for amending and supplementing of some orders of ANRE president in the electricity field;
    3. ANRE Order no. 230/16.12.2020 on the extension of certain terms provided in ANRE President’s orders, RO version only;
    4. Operational Procedure regarding functioning of the Intra-day electricity Market: Continuous Trading (IDCT) and Intraday Auctions (IDA) with ANRE approval no. 17/09.09.2024;
    5. Procedure regarding collections and payments relating to the intraday electricity market transactions, RO version only;
    6. Procedure for the constitution, verification and use of financial guarantees for participation on the intraday electricity market, RO version only;
    7. Trader Manual for the M7 Trading system (MFG110):
      • M7 Trader Manual ComTrader
    8. Instructions to access ComTrader Prod vXX;
    9. ComTrader Setup Guide for M7 Trading system;
    10. Instructions for accessing the M7 Post Trading system.
    11. New templates of Bank Guarantee Letters and amendments thereto for trades concluded on DAM and ID, RO version only;
    12. IBAN central account for Intraday Market: RO94 RNCB 0074 0292 1737 0081;
    13. The list of banks that joined the Interbank Direct Debit System (Transfond);
    14. The list of banks that have entered into addenda to agreements with BCR for issuing of letters of guarantee required for transactions on IDM;
    15. M7PTv2 access password reseting guide (only in RO for the moment)
    16. User guide for M7PTv2 system (only in RO for the moment)
    17. Instructions for connecting to M7 using two factor authentication 2FA
    18. ANRE Order no. 883/15.05.2024 regarding the establishment the solution of transfering the net positions resulting from the cross-border capacities allocation between the Romanian bidding area and other bidding areas, in the single intraday electricity markets coupling), RO version only;



    We inform you that the documents proposed by OPCOM S.A. and published on its own website, in its capacity as administrator of centralized electricity markets under ANRE License no. 407/20.12.2001 and administrator of centralized natural gas markets pursuant to ANRE License no. 2270/14.12.2018 and which may constitute the object of intellectual property rights or, as the case may be, the object of the industrial property rights, are the intellectual and industrial property of OPCOM S.A., being as such recognized and protected by the relevant provisions of Romanian, Community and international law for the protection of intellectual property and industrial property, meaning that third parties could be given the possibility to reproduce, distribute, create derivative works, retransmit them or perform other such actions only with prior express authorization of OPCOM S.A.

    The provisions of art. 7 relating to the object of copyright in conjunction with the provisions of art. 13 relating to the distinct and exclusive patrimonial rights of the author to authorize or prohibit actions of third parties regarding his own works are imposed pursuant to Law no. 8/1996 regarding copyright and related rights.

    Pursuant to the same legal rules, it is expressly specified, according to art. 20 paragraph (2) the fact that the right to authorize or prohibit public communication or making works available to the public is not considered closed by any act of public communication or making available to the public.

    As such, we inform you that OPCOM S.A. does not allow the reproduction, distribution, creation of derivative works, retransmission or any other commercial use of the documents applicable to the markets managed by OPCOM S.A. as published on the web page of OPCOM S.A., except within the markets managed by OPCOM S.A. and we bring to your attention the fact that OPCOM S.A. reserves the right to initiate and support all necessary legal actions, including by raising possible actions regarding aspects that negatively impact its activity in courts and/or towards competent authorities.

    Opcom Announcements