


    (Bucharest, 11 June, 2019)

    The High-Level Market Design of the DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project is finalized for implementation

    Vienna, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Bucharest, Bratislava
    11 June 2019

    On 21st December 2018, the national regulatory authorities of Austria, Germany, Poland and the 4MMC countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia) requested the initiation of the interim project for an NTC-based market coupling between these countries. The Project Parties involved in the DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project (’Interim Coupling’) have finalized the High-Level Market Design to be implemented and the national regulatory authorities reconfirmed their support for the continuation of the project during a NRA-TSO-NEMO meeting held on 22nd May 2019 in Budapest.

    The project aims to couple the 4M MC and Poland and the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) by introducing NTC-based implicit allocation on 6 borders (PL-DE, PL-CZ, PL-SK, CZ-DE, CZ-AT, HU-AT) and implement Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC).

    The project intends to be a stepwise transition on the afore-mentioned borders from current NTC-based explicit allocation towards the flow-based implicit allocation which is to be implemented in the framework of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling Project as target solution required by regulation.

    The Interim Coupling significantly contributes to the regional market integration and brings benefits to the market before the flow-based day-ahead market coupling go live in the Core region.  

    The current planning foresees the go-live of the Interim Coupling in Q2 2020.

    PRESS RELEASE 11.6.2019

    For more information, please contact OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

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