

  • PRESS RELEASE 09.12/2005

    The first auction sessions on the Centralized Bilateral Contract Market

    (Bucharest, 2005 9th of December) On 8th and 9th of December the Romanian Electricity Market Operator have launched the first auction sessions on the Centralized Bilateral Contract Market

    On 23rd of November have been received the first applications in order to organize auction sessions for the sale offers from SC HIDROELECTRICA SA. The announcement regarding auction session organization, the sale offers and also the contracts proposed by the sellers have been published on Romanian Electricity Market Operator website starting 24th of November.

    Following the announcement publication 27 participants have submitted purchase offers for one or more of the five sale offers proposed in total volume of 315.360 MWh which will be supplied starting with 1st of January 2006.

    The winners of the auction sessions were: SC GEVCO SRL for one offer, SC Energy Network SRL for two of the offers and SC Electrica SA for two of the offers. Auction session results are published on OPCOM ’s website (www.opcom.ro).

    At this moment on the internet page can also be seen the offers proposed by other 3 big generators: SC Complexul Energetic Craiova SA, SC Complexul Energetic Turceni SA and also SC Complexul Energetic Rovinari SA.


    According to the provisions of ANRE’s Order no. 42/09.12.2005, The Romanian Electricity Market Operator, OPCOM SA is the organizer and the operator of the Electricity Centralized Bilateral Contract Market.

    This market is intended for trading, by the all market participant category through public auction, the sale offers proposed by the licensed participants registered on the Centralized Bilateral Contract Market. After the Order publication, the Operational procedures regarding the functioning of the Centralized Bilateral Contract Market and the participation Agreement, 41 electricity market generators, suppliers and eligible consumers have been registered in order to participate on this market.

    By organizing this type of auction session the Market Operator ensures a transparent and non-discriminatory framework based on free offering but also on proving the good intention and credit worth ness of the participants through collateral establishment for sale offer attribution . Materialization of the trading results is done through bilateral contract conclusion according to the content and layout of the contract published together with the sale offer and subject of the auction process.

    PRESS RELEASE 09.12/2005

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor Ionescu , CEO, phone (+40 21) 30 71 450


    Opcom Announcements