Press Release (Bucharest, February 04, 2021) 12 new entries in OPCOM market places during January 2021, GREEN COMCRIS INVEST (DAM), LJG GREEN SOURCE ENERGY ALPHA (IDM), HORIA GREEN (CMBC-EA-flex), AQUA ENERGIA (CM-OTC), MERONERG (CMBC-EA-flex), AIK ENERGY ROMANIA (IDM, CMBC-CN), ALFA LAND (GCM), WERK ENERGY (CME-RES-GC), GADOVIA ENERGY (GCM), WINDFARM MV I - aggregated entity (IDM), ENERGY REPUBLIC TRADING (DAM) and EDPR ROMANIA (CMBC-EA-flex). At the end of January, 359 participants were registered in the spot market, 158 were enrolled in the Intraday Market, 170 companies were listed in the Trading registry of Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts Extended Auction – flex mechanism, 189 companies were listed in the Trading registry of Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts Continuous Negotiation mechanism, 83 companies were listed as registered participants in the Centralized Market with double continuous negotiation for Electricity Bilateral Contracts (CM-OTC), 16 participants were registered in Centralized Market for Universal Service, 1 participant was registered in the Electricity Market for Large Consumers (LCM) and 136 participants were registered in the Centralized market for electricity from renewable energy sources supported by Green Certificates. Green Certificates Market had 925 registered participants at January 31. At the end of January, 32 companies were listed as registered participants in the Centralized Market for Natural Gas - PCGN-LN mechanism, 26 companies were listed as registered participants in the Centralized Market for Natural Gas - PCGN-LP mechanism, while 21 participants were registered in Centralized Market for Natural Gas - PCGN-OTC mechanism. 28 participants were registered in the Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas (DAM-NG) and 26 participants were enrolled in the Intraday Market for Natural Gas. 1 participant was registered in the Market for Flexible Medium and Long Term Products for Natural Gas (PPF-TL) at January 31. ***** About OPCOM For more information, please contact OPCOM S.A. Victor IONESCU, CEO, telephone +4 021 3071 450 fax +4 021 3071 400 |