

  • The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project organises an Introductory workshop to Core Flow Based Market Coupling on 22 November 2021

    Amsterdam, Berlin, București, Budapesta, Bratislava, Bruxelles, Ljubljana, Luxemburg, Paris, Praga, Viena, Varșovia, Zagreb

    In order to prepare market participants for the Core Day Ahead Flow-Based go-live, Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project parties will organise an online workshop on 22 November 2021. This workshop will mainly focus on the basics of flow-based capacity calculation and has the aim to inform market participants that are new to the subject. The agenda is attached to this communication note.

    The webinar will be held on 22 November 2021 from 09:00 till 16:00 CET. Should you want to participate, please register by sending an email to CoreCG@magnus.nl.
    The launch of the Day Ahead Flow Based project is targeted for end of February 2022. It will mark the transition to a single coupled auction for the day-ahead market across the Core region, based on the flow-based methodology. This allows for a regional optimization of the capacity allocation in the day ahead timeframe.

    Ahead of the member tests scheduled a few weeks before go-live, NEMOs and TSOs will organise an additional workshop to provide market participants with detailed information about the expected changes in the operational market coupling process. Separate information on this will follow duly in time.

    Upcoming milestones in the Core FB MC project

    Pursuant to Article 20 (8) of the CACM Regulation, during the period of at least six months, the concerned TSOs shall test the flow-based methodology alongside the existing capacity calculation and allocation regimes currently applied in the Core CCR and enable market participants to adapt to any change in the capacity calculation. This testing phase, the so-called External Parallel Run, has started in November 2020 and is planned to last until go live of Core Flow Based Market Coupling.

    The formal go-live decision with the exact date will be taken several weeks in advance.

    Communication channels Core project

    Market participants who would like to follow closer the project development are invited to join the Core Consultative Group (CCG) by sending an email to CoreCG@magnus.nl. The participants of the Core Consultative Group will receive regular information, and invitations to teleconferences and meetings.
    Next to the CCG a Question & Answer Forum for the Core FB MC project is currently in use. The Forum is available under the Core FB MC section on the JAO website, i.e.www.jao.eu. Project parties invite all market participants to use this Forum for their queries.


    About the Day-Ahead Flow-Based Market Coupling project in the Core CCR

    The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling (Core FB MC) project develops and implements a flow-based day-ahead market coupling across the whole Core capacity calculation region (Core CCR) in the framework of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC). The Core CCR consists of the bidding zone borders between the following EU Member States’ bidding zones: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia..

    PRESS RELEASE 18.10.2021 

    Opcom Announcements