

  • PRESS RELEASE 26.04. 2007
    First forward offer matched on the Centralized Market for Bilateral Electricity Contracts with continuous negotiation

    Commercially launched on March 15th 2007, the Centralized Market for Bilateral Electricity Contracts with Continuous Negotiation represents an on-line trading alternative, put at the disposal of the registered market participants by the Romanian Power Market Operator, OPCOM SA. Until April 26th 2007, 88 participants have been registered to this market.
    Designed for standard offers trading, this market gives the opportunity of closing bilateral forward contracts for standard delivery dates longer than one week, with a delivery start date subsequent to the auction session.
    Currently, there can be traded offers for delivery periods starting with the 21st week of 2007, including offers for 2008, according to the trading calendar published on OPCOM’s website .
    On April 26th 2007, OPCOM organized an auction session for the selling offer proposed by Regia Autonoma pentru Activitati Nucleare for 5MW base load, with delivery period in the 20th week of 2007, between May 14 and May 20, respectively.
    The offer has been published on OPCOM’s website starting April 18th 2007.
    All the 5 contracts have been attributed to the company ELECTOMAGNETICA SA at the price of 125 Lei/MWh, during the first stage of session I.
    The Functioning of the Centralized Market for Bilateral Electricity Contracts with Continuous Negotiation is regulated by the Order no 42/2005 issued by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, by fully complying with the provisions of the Electricity Law no 13/2007.

    PRESS RELEASE 26.04.2007

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor IONESCU , CEO, telephone (+40 21) 3071 450

    Opcom Announcements