


    (Bucharest, 4th of August 2008) July 2008 - DAM: the traded volume was 394,224 MWh, corresponding to an hourly traded volume 530 MWh/h, approximately constant against of the last month, and supporting the strengthening of the seized position of the spot traded in the electricity wholesale market.

    CMBC: In the Centralized Market for Bilateral Contract, the volume contracted before for July 2008, 680,879 MWh, having a slight increase related to the last month and with 33% against of the July 2007, represented an energy quantity of 15.28% of the domestic consumption.

    CMGC: On the centralized market for green certificates organized by OPCOM, the energy suppliers of the final consumers purchased, in the first five monthly for 2008, 42,038 green certificates, represent almost 56% of the green certificates issued up to the deadline for the expressing of trading intentions.

    Day Ahead Market

    A number of 62 participants submitted in July at least one offer, concluding trades within the range (228 – 1,013) MWh/h and establishing the spot price for all hourly intervals of this month. The hourly traded volume was 530 MWh/h, securing market share of 8.70% from consumption, value that strengthen the position of the spot traded in the electricity wholesale market.

    The average price, 54.24 EUR/MWh, was 10% less than the value established in July 2007.

    If we extend the analysis for the first seven month of this year, we notice the keeping of increasing trend of the traded volume registered of the semester level: other words, the numbers show for the spot market, a market share of 9.47% against 9.12% registered for the period January – July 2007, respectively an hourly traded volume 601 MWh/h, almost 9% more than 552 MWh/h hourly traded in the similar period of the last year.

    Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts

    The volume traded in July on Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts attributed by public auction was 306,600 MWh, contract prices range of (53.66 – 54.97) EUR/MWh, corresponding to the contracts with base load delivery.

    On the bases of contracts attributed on CBMC, an energy quantity of 15.28 from consumption had the delivery date in July 2008, at the average price of 47.03 EUR/MWh.

    Up to the present, the share of the volumes traded for delivery in 2008 is 15.31% of consumption.

    Centralized Market for Green Certificates

    As a result of July auction, a number of 7,254 green certificates were purchased by the suppliers, at the price of 42 EUR/certificate.

    Using the trading platforms administrated by OPCOM, the market participants contributed to cover a relevant percent of the domestic consumption in a competitive and transparent framework: 24% of consumption, equivalent to trades for July 2008 of approximately 1,075,103.281 MWh.

    In condition of liquidity and stable participation, the month of July 2008 represented the starting point of the central counterparty mechanism in the spot market, system which offers a clear benefit for the market participants: the guarantee of the payment, ensuring the cash of income from sale of electricity at the most two days from the moment of transaction concluding.

    At the end of this month, when the participants in default in payment obligations weren’t, the receiving rights and payment obligations on spot market, settled based on the new mechanism, reached an amount of 22.5 mil EUR, giving us positive expectations for the future: increasing share of interest both from the present market participants and for the new entries.

    Opcom Announcements