

    (Bucharest, February 5th 2009)

    January 2009, between the certainty of the last year results and the foresights for the next months related to the consumption reduction

    DAM: the growth of interest for the current month spot trades led to an increased trading volume, 525,369 MWh, related to the end of the year and a market share of 11% from internal consumption, benchmarks which emphasize the product performance in the first month of the year.
    CMBC: absolute delivery record, the contracts concluded on CMBC platform indicating January 2009 as being the month with the biggest delivered power volume since the launch of this trading mechanism.
    CMBC-CN: interest for the Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts with Continuous Negotiation, a number of 165 contracts being offered for auction.
    CMGC: one month before the last auction for the year 2008, the electricity suppliers to the end consumers purchased in the eleven monthly auctions performed by now a number of 109,397 certificates, representing apercentage of 82.62% from the issued certificates until the deadlines for the trades related to 2008.

    69 participants representing more than 4/5 from the registered market participants’ number (87) at the end of January 2009 have submitted at least one bid this month.
    The average trading price for day ahead market organized by OPCOM of 32.17 euro/MWh (135.18 lei/MWh), is placed at the bottom margin of the range of (32-83) euro/MWh of the monthly average spot prices established by the majority of the European power exchanges in the first month of the year 2009. The average trading price of DAM was decreasing with 35% related to January 2008.
    The hourly average trading volume was of 706 MWh/h related to 645 MWh/h established in December 2008. The hourly trades volume have been placed in the range 677 MWh/h – 1,257 MWh/h.
    The market share of the trades volume related to the January 2009 consumption remained at the same level with January 2008, 10.97%, and it has grown related to 10.17% recorded in December 2008.
    The contracts previously awarded on CMBC being in delivery in January 2009 represent a record energy volume of 959,410 MWh, with a market share of 20.01% from this month foreseeable consumption. The corresponding average price of these contracts is of 190.51 lei/MWh (48.19 euro/MWh).
    In January 2009 a number of 37,459 green certificates were purchased by the suppliers at the price of 194.09 lei/certificate (55 euro/certificate). Thus, the total number of green certificates traded until the 31st of January 2009 for the year 2008 raised about three times related to the number of green certificates traded until the 31st of January 2008 for the year 2007.

    The encashment and the corresponding payments for the power trades in the Day Ahead Market in January 2009 rose to about 86.4 mil. Lei (20.6 mil. Euro). There were no overdue payments.

    The trades on CMBC and DAM for January 2009 delivery totalise 1,484,779 MWh, the market share of both markets reaching no less than 31% from this month anticipated consumption.

    PRESS RELEASE 05.02.2009

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400
