

    (Bucharest, September 7th, 2009)

    August 2009 – the traded volumes on the markets operated by OPCOM assured deliveries representing an estimated share of consumption maintained for the sixth consecutive month above the percentage of 35%

    DAM: Spot transactions are valued at the end of the month at a level of 12.48% of the forecasted consumption, respectively an hourly average of 665 MWh/h.
    Compared to the equivalent period of the previous year, the percentage increase in spot transactions established in August 2009 was 15.48%, the total volume growing from 428,708.091 MWh last year to 495,064.093 MWh in August 2009, respectively in hourly average values from 576.221 MWh/h to 665.409 MWh/h.
    The average price decreased compared to August last year from 56.85 EUR/MWh (200.44 lei/MWh) to 36.53 EUR/MWh (154.08 lei/MWh), this decrease being of 36% in the single European currency, respectively 23% in the national currency. Electricity trades on European spot markets were placed, in August 2009, in a range of monthly average prices between 28 EUR/MWh and 72 EUR/MWh, the average price set by OPCOM being about 38 EUR/MWh below the European average.
    A total of 59 of the 92 participants registered to the market were active this month by submitting bids, these being materialized in hourly trades by a range of variation between 341 MWh/h and 994 MWh/h. Within the range of variation, 1/5 were hourly volumes higher than 800 MWh/h, while almost 65% of the trades totalled at least 600 MWh/h.
    The traded volumes aggregated over the first eight months of the year evolved from an hourly average of 430 MWh/h in 2006, 578 MWh/h in 2007 and 598 MWh/h in 2008 to an hourly average of 753 MWh/h this year. Accordingly, the spot market share of the forecasted consumption had also a positive trend: if during the first eight months of 2006 it was 7.18%, now it has reached 13.19%, for the second time this year the aggregated market share market exceeding 13%. While previously the growth rate year on year was up to 2%, the growth rate of 2009 compared to 2008 was about 4%.
    Payment obligations/rights for the electricity delivered in August 2009 totalled 21.2 mil. euro (89.6 mil. lei), these meeting without any problems their payment deadlines.

    CMBC: Deliveries due to the forward trades amount in August too almost 1 TWh, equivalent to a market share of 23.71% of the estimated consumption.
    43 participants previously shown interest for transactions with delivery in August; the public auctions results are showing 29 winners and 72 contracts concluded, equivalent to a delivered electricity volume of 981,482 MWh, at an average price of 44.74 EUR/MWh (189.50 lei/MWh) and representing 23.71% of the estimated consumption for this month.
    In August 2009, the forward contracts traded on OPCOM market place totalled 58.580 MWh, the final price being 42.38 EUR/MWh (179 lei/MWh).

    CMGC: At the end of the first half of the annual trading period, the results show a total of 63,775 green certificates purchased on OPCOM platform in order to fulfil the mandatory quota for 2009 and a quota of 46% of certificates issued by the deadlines for expressions of intent.
    In order to fulfil the mandatory quota, in the sixth monthly session of 2009 for the green certificates trading, a number of 18,495 green certificates was purchased by electricity suppliers at the price of 55 EUR/certificate (215.34 lei/certificate).

    At the end of August, the spot market trades and the delivered forward contracts totalled an electricity volume of 1,476,546 MWh, the weight of the two market shares in the estimated consumption of this month being 36.19%.

    PRESS RELEASE 07.09.2009

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Announcements