PRESS RELEASE (Bucharest, February 1st, 2013) 34 new entries in OPCOM market places during January 2013, APA SERV VALEA JIULUI (DAM), TERAMET FAUR C (DAM), TERMOFOREST (DAM, IDM), ENEV AVRIG (DAM), HIDROPROD (DAM), CONTOURGLOBAL SOLUTIONS (PLOIESTI) (DAM), EOLIAN CENTER (CMBC, DAM), M&M 2008 (CMBC, DAM), Filiala de Distributie a Energiei ”ELECTRICA DISTRIBUTIE MUNTENIA NORD” (CMBC, DAM), COMPA (CMBC), RA-RA PARC (CMBC, GCM, DAM), KAUFOF COM (CMBC), OMV TRADING GMBH VIENA AUSTRIA SUCURSALA BUCURESTI (GCM), DAJKA ZOLTAN (GCM), OLREROM ENALFA (GCM), ELEKTRA WIND POWER (GCM), ROTT HAUS CONSULTING (GCM), UZINA MECANICA SADU (CMBC), CARTAGRIS LIMITED (DAM), BRAILA WINDS (IDM), COLONIA CLUJ-NAPOCA ENERGIE (CMBC), ELECTRIC PROD (CMBC), LONG BRIDGE MILENIUM (DAM, CMBC), INTERAGRO (CMBC), COMPANIA REGIONALA DE APA BACAU (CMBC), ADMINISTRATIA NATIONALA APELE ROMANE (CMBC), TOTAL ELECTRIC (GCM), LORFA (CMBC), CET GRIVITA (DAM), IRIDEX GROUP IMPORT EXPORT (DAM), SNAGOV POWER PLANT (GCM), SOLEK PROJECT ALPHA (GCM), RA-RA LOGISTICS (GCM) and ENTREX SERVICES (IDM). At the end of January, 142 participants were registered in spot market, 55 were enrolled in the Intraday Market, and 144 companies were listed in the Trading registry of Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts. Green Certificates Market had 257 registered participants at January 31, while 11 companies were listed as registered participants to the Trading Platform for Emission Certificates (TPEC). For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A. Victor IONESCU, CEO, telephone +4 021 3071 450 fax +4 021 3071 400 |