


    (Bucharest, 3rd of January, 2007) OPCOM Romanian electricity market operator announces 2006 volumes and prices.

    In the second year of its trading products operation, both volume and quota values demonstrates a consolidated position of OPCOM within the European electricity trading field.

    Day Ahead Market

    The total traded volume in 2006 is 4.11 TWh. The other representative numbers for the year 2006 are: 468.714 MW hourly traded in average and 7.74% as market share.

    A comparison of trades for the last six months of this year with similar months of 2005 (since July, date of the new DAM mechanisms launch, until the end of 2005) demonstrates an increase of 26.96% (2.18 TWh vs. 1.72 TWh).

    The turnover in October represented for DAM a record value of 461.35 GWh with an average hourly value of 619.264 MW meaning 10.40% related forecasted consumption. This monthly volume is 107.58% higher than October 2005 and the share is accordingly 100.84% higher.

    The average DAM price for the last six months in 2006 is 180.77 Lei/MWh (51.57 EURO/MWh), 44.04% higher than similar value for 2005.

    Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts

    During 2006, a volume of 0.7 TWh was traded for 2006 (1.36%) and 2.25 TWh for 2007 (4.34%) on CMBC trading platform.

    The record exchange`s market share was recorded for January 2007: 6.75%, meaning 291.78 GWh.

    The average prices are 130 Lei/MWh for 2006 deliveries and 159 Lei/MWh for 2007 deliveries.

    Centralized Market for Green Certificates

    The number of green certificates traded in the 12 sessions in 2006 is 7,841, with an average price of 155.08 Lei.
    PRESS RELEASE 03.01/2007

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor Ionescu, CEO, telephone (+40 21) 3071 450
