


    (Bucharest, 29 August 2017)

    German, Austrian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian and Croatian TSOs and NEMOs formed a Local Implementation Project under XBID

    Transmission System Operators and Nominated Electricity Market Operators representing Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Croatia established a Local Implementation Project to realize the coupling of intraday electricity markets based on the XBID technical solution.

    In August 2017, Transmission System Operators and Nominated Electricity Market Operators of Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Romania, namely 50Hertz, APG, ČEPS, EPEX SPOT, EXAA, HUPX, MAVIR, Nord Pool, OPCOM, OTE, TenneT and Transelectrica signed a Memorandum of Understanding on establishing a Local Implementation Project of the Cross-Border Intraday solution (XBID) to couple intraday electricity markets. Later in August, Transmission System Operator and Nominated Electricity Market Operator of Croatia (HOPS, CROPEX) adhered to the Memorandum.

    All project parties expressed their interest to implement continuous cross-border trading and to introduce implicit allocation of cross-border transmission intraday capacities on the Czech-German, Czech-Austrian, Austrian-Hungarian, Hungarian-Romanian and Hungarian-Croatian borders. The parties established a Local Implementation Project (namely LIP 15) aimed at fulfilling the requirements set by the EU-wide cross-border intraday XBID project.

    All parties are committed to contribute actively to the completion of the European Internal Energy Market in line with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM regulation). The LIP 15 parties endeavour to start operation as soon as possible after the successful go-live of the first wave LIPs, currently estimated by the XBID project for Q1 2018. Based on the initial project timeline, which will be further developed, the LIP 15 parties intend to go-live in Q4 2018 (second wave LIP).


    The XBID project for pan-European Intraday Coupling is comprised of members from 14 European countries. The purpose of the XBID Market Project is to enable continuous cross-zonal trading and increase the overall efficiency of intraday trading on the single cross-zonal Intraday market across Europe. This single Intraday cross-zonal market solution will be based on a common IT system forming the backbone of the European solution, linking the local trading systems operated by the Nominated Electricity Market Operators, as well as the available cross-zonal transmission capacity provided by the TSOs. Orders entered by market participants in one country can be matched by orders similarly submitted by market participants in any other country within the IT systems’ reach, provided there is cross-zonal capacity available. Despite the XBID project being a complex project to implement, it continues to make substantive progress. The XBID solution is expected to be technically ready in Q4 2017, which will then be followed by the final go-live preparations (first wave of Local Implementation Projects).


    PRESS RELEASE 29.8.2017

    For more information, please contact OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Announcements