

  • © ICIS HEREN - First ENTSO-E transparency platform expected this year

    An intermediate version of the European transparency platform for electricity will be launched this year, the transmission system operator ENTSO-E said to ICIS.
    The platform will replace the current entsoe.net platform, where data on European cross-border flows, outages and auctions data are already available in real time.
    The European power transmission system operator body is working to deliver the final transparency platform in time, 18 months after the entry into force of the transparency regulation.
    According to the European Commission, the transparency regulation, which will decide what data European energy companies need to make public, is expected to come into force in June.
    A source from the Commission said that the Parliament and the Council had until the end of April to oppose to the regulation but that both institutions have already said they have no objections.
    "Therefore the transparency regulation should enter into force between May and June," he said.
    The new regulation is expected to include availability of power plants, outages, cross-border flows among the information that energy companies need to make public.
    However, European companies already need to publish some of this data under the Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), which came into force on 28 December 2011.
    "There is some overlapping with the data already requested under REMIT," the source from the Commission said.
    Companies have to publish the transparency information either on their website or another European public platform (see EDEM 24 November 2011).

    (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 17081 / 26 April 2013)

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