The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has named the first five third-parties that will report trades on behalf of companies under the forthcoming wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT).
Market participants will be required to report transactions, including orders to trade, to an RRM, which will pass on the information to ACER.
The first phase of reporting under REMIT will come into force on 7 October.
ACER has released a second schema of its REMIT-compatible reporting mechanism for trades and orders. The original version will, however, still be valid when the system goes live.
The five registered reporting mechanisms (RRMs) are OMI-Polo Espanol; OMIP - Polo Portugues; Nord Pool Spot; OPCOM; and EFETnet.
ACER has arranged a public workshop in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 8 September to discuss REMIT implementation and the role of RRMs.
(Source: © ICIS HEREN - THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 19142 / 24 July 2015; |