

  • ©THE HEREN REPORTS - UkrEnergo forms JV with Hungarian Emfesz for supplies to Romania, Balkans
    The Ukrainian antimonopoly office has permitted national power utility UkrEnergo to form a consortium with Hungarian electricity and natural gas supplier Emfesz in order to restore 750 Kw electricity line connecting a South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant with Isakca in Romania and Varna in Bulgaria, newswires reported on Friday (5th October). Emfesz is affiliated with RosUkrEnergo, the exclusive supplier of Russian natural gas to Ukraine, according to Ukrainian news agency Korrespondent. The renewal of the line would cost as much as $ 110 million (EUR 78.27 million), the agency said. The Ukrainian government earlier commissioned the Fuel and Energy Ministry to prepare the country’s integration into the European electricity grid by 2008, according to Korrespondent (THE HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 11195 / 8 October 2007)

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