

  • ©ICIS HEREN - Intra-day platform to boost Romanian market
    OPCOM is to launch an intra-day platform that would allow traders to hedge their risk, the Romanian exchange told ICIS Heren. The pilot project is expected to come on stream in the second quarter of next year and will operate six sessions of four hours each, handling 50MW/hour of trade. Lucian Palade, director of electricity market surveillance and development at OPCOM, said the platform would combine two models – OTC transactions and auctions. He said the new facility will run alongside the existing spot platform and will allow adjustments to trades carried out on the dayahead market. “Our day-ahead market has so far been unexpectedly liquid,” Palade said. “The intra-day platform will afford renewables traders greater security… We hope the market will turn in between �48,000–�50,000 daily,” he added. The spot market would be based on an auction system and consist of two sessions – one in the morning and another in the afternoon. The Romanian power market has become increasingly liquid in recent years, with at least two brokers now dealing with the bilateral markets (see EDEM 4 June 2008). Exchanges elsewhere in the region are also developing, with liquidity growing on South East European exchange BSP Southpool, and plans for the Central East European Energy Exchange (CEEPEX) developing. The concept will be presented to stakeholders at a meeting in January 2010 (see EDEM 2 December 2009). EDEM 13.247 | 21 December 2009 | www.icis.com/heren |

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