

  • © ICIS HEREN - Romania CCGT online earlier than planned
    Romanian economics minister Adriean Videanu has told local media that oil and gas company Petrom will enter the power market with 860MW of capacity from next March. The plant was originally planned for autumn 2011. Petrom`s facility is being built on the site of the Petrobrazi refinery near Bucharest, originally planned for the second half of the year. Around 20% of its capacity will be used to supply the site, with the rest fed into the grid (see EDEM 30 March 2009). The cost of the project is estimated at €500m (see EDEM 3 June 2009). Longer-term, the minister said that Romania is also courting Areva, the French nuclear giant, to provide expertise and technology for its second nuclear power plant. Videanu refused to provide firm details regarding the involvement of Areva in Romania`s second nuclear facility, which will be built in the northwestern region of Transylvania. But he insisted that an agreement with potential partners is likely to be signed by the end of September. The second nuclear power plant, whose exact location is yet to be revealed, will be completed between 2020 and 2030. Romania already has two 1.4GW reactors near the southeastern town of Cernavoda. It plans to build another two 1.5GW reactors, which could become operational by 2017. (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 14.140 / 22 July 2010)

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