

  • © ICIS HEREN - Turkey connected to European power grid
    Turkey was synchronised with the Continental European grid on Saturday (18th September) at 9:25 hours CET, according to the statement from European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) on Monday (20th September). "The parallel operation within the Continental European Synchronous Area will increase the quality and security of the electricity supply in Turkey, and is foreseen to eventually provide access to the European electricity market," ENTSO-E said. The Turkish grid is connected to the Bulgarian system by two 400 kV lines and to the Greek system by one 400 kV line. The security and performance of interconnector systems will be monitored during a one-year trial period. Establishing commercial power exchange will be divided into three stages: 1) Two-week stabilization period with no scheduled exchange of energy. 2) Two weeks of non-commercial power exchange between Turkish, Bulgarian and Greece TSOs in both directions and both borders. This will take place after the evaluation of the stabilization period. 3) Limited commercial electricity exchange between Turkey and continental Europe to start in line with EU rules and ENTSO-E procedures. Auction rules for commercial exchanges will be published in due time and will be announced by ENTSO-E separately. The commercial exchange is due to start in mid-October (see EDEM 18 June 2010). ENTSO-E and TEIAŞ, the Turkish grid operator, have already successfully carried out localised operation tests in high-load and low-load conditions (see EDEM 7 June 2010). European traders feared that connecting energy-hungry Turkey to the European grid could send Balkan power prices rocketing (see EDEM 1 September 2010). The Romanian traders said on Monday (20th September) that the event had no impact on prices, however, as both near- and far-curve values were stable. (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 14.181 / 20 September 2010)

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