

  • © ICIS HEREN - Bulgaria`s Kozloduy NPP prepares upgrade
    Bulgaria`s 2GW Kozloduy nuclear electricity plant has started preparations to extend the life span of units five and six by 20 years each, the Bulgarian government announced on Friday (20th April).
    A consortium between Russian nuclear company Rosenergoatom and French company EDF will analyse the condition of the two 1GW nuclear units and present a report, which will suggest a programme for the upgrade of the units. After that, Kozloduy can apply for a new licenses to run the units.
    Unit five is expected to be brought off line by 2017 and unit six by 2019. Last year Bulgaria announced it would invest more than €50m in the project (see EDEM 3 June 2011).
    Last week the Bulgarian government approved the construction of a seventh reactor at Kozloduy, after scrapping plans to build 2GW nuclear plant at Belene (see EDEM 11 April 2012).
    (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 16077 / 20 April 2012)

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