OPCOM: cfd -cadru legal si reglementare - eng
Support Mechanism through Contracts for Difference for Low Carbon Technologies
Legal and regulatory framework
- Decision C/06.03.2024/2895 - Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (SA.108510);
- Government Decision No. 318/04.04.2024 on the approval of the general framework for the implementation and functioning of the Contracts for Difference support mechanism for low carbon technologies, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 333/10.04.2024;
- The CfD Contract concluded between the CfD Beneficiary (as Generator) and OPERATORUL PIEŢEI DE ENERGIE ELECTRICĂ ŞI DE GAZE NATURALE “OPCOM” S.A. (as CfD Counterparty), Annex to the Government Decision No. 318/2024;
- ANRE Order No. 51/17.07.2024 on the approval of the Methodology for determining and collecting the contribution related to Contracts for Difference, amended by ANRE President's Order No. 59/28.08.2024;
- ANRE Order No. 52/17.07.2024 on the approval of the Framework Contract between the CfD Counterparty and the CfD levy Payer for collecting the CfD levy and the Framework Contract between the CfD Scheme Operator and the CfD Counterparty, amended by ANRE President's Order No. 58/28.08.2024;
- ANRE Order No. 66/17.09.2024 regarding the approval of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) levy;
- Framework Contract between the CfD Counterparty and the CfD levy Payer for collecting the CfD levy;
- Framework Contract between the CfD Scheme Operator and the CfD Counterparty;
- First CfD Auction Timetable;
- Ministry Order No. 1.120/26.07.2024 regarding the approval of the State aid scheme in the form of Contracts for Difference for the production of electricity from renewable sources of onshore wind and solar photovoltaic energy;
- Ministry Order No. 1.290/ 05.09.2024 regarding the approval of the initiation of the first auction for the State aid scheme in the form of Contracts for Difference for the production of electricity from renewable sources of onshore wind and solar photovoltaic energy as well as the Tender rules for the first auction, including Annexes No. 1 and No. 2.
- Order no. 1530/23.10.2024 of the Minister of Energy for the amendment of annex no. 2 to the Order of the Minister of Energy no. 1.290/2024 regarding the approval of the initiation of the first auction for the State Aid Scheme in the form of Contracts for Difference for the production of electricity from renewable sources of onshore wind and solar photovoltaic energy, as well as the Tender rules for the first auction.
*Source of the English version: https://energie.gov.ro/contracte-pentru-diferenta-cfd/