


    (Bucharest, July 19, 2018)

    Natural Gas Market – Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas

    OPCOM SA and Banca Comercială Română (BCR) finalized all the related tests for interrelated functioning of Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas trading system with the deployment of the specific financial operations.

    BCR will ensure the central account bank role, through which will be deployed the specific operations for payments and encashments fulfillment related to traded natural gas as well as the management of guarantees posted for participation with bids on this market.

    By using the services provided as central account bank by BCR, based on Direct Debit Scheme SEPA „Business to Business”, regulated through National Bank of Romania Regulation No. 2/2016 regarding credit transfer operations and direct debit, operations settlement will be fulfilled no later than the second working day from the trading session ending.

    The new market is permitting adjustments of market participants trading portfolio and mitigation and/or avoidance of imbalance situations of the network users due to effective situations existent in the market and term commitments performance.

    Trading sessions are going to be organized during each calendar day, between 10:00 – 15:00 EET based on OPCOM counterparty role.

    Companies interested in participating on Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas are invited to see the information published on OPCOM web page related to functioning of the said market within the specific pages „Trading – Products / Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas/ Registration, Agreement, Procedures, Rules”1) and respectively, ”Trading – Products /Settlement”2)



    For more information please contact:

    OPCOM SA, Victor Ionescu, Director General, tel. 021 3071 450, e-mail: secretariat@opcom.ro și pcgn@opcom.ro.

    Banca Comercială Română, Ionut Stanimir, Director Executiv Marketing & Comunicare, tel. 0373.510.118, e-mail: ionut.stanimir@bcr.ro

    PRESS RELEASE 19.07.2018

    For more information, please contact OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400


    Opcom Anunţuri