(Bucharest, 19 September, 2018)
Natural Gas Market – Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas (DAM-NG)
On 19.09.2018 were concluded the first trades on Romania’s Virtual Trading Point on the Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas, administrated by OPCOM, for delivery of the natural gas during the gas day 20.09.2018.
The Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas was operationally launched on 31.07.2018 and offers to the market participants the possibility of trading portfolio adjustment and mitigation and/or avoidance of imbalance situations of the network users due to actual situations in the market and contractual term commitments performance.
At this market are registered a number of 13 enterprises and the market organization and administration implies the assumption by OPCOM of the counterparty role for all concluded trades, assuring towards the participants to trading sessions of the related services for the payments for bought natural gas and respectively for the collections for the sold natural gas through the market central bank account for which the services are provided by Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR). At the same time, OPCOM is providing the related service for automated notification of the concluded trades towards SNTGN Transgaz SA (The Romanian Transmission System Operator), in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Natural Gas Transmission Network Code.
During the trading session from 19.09.2018 that took place in accordance with the schedule between 10:00 – 15:00, 6 market participants have logged in to the trading platform, both sellers and buyers, according to the trading rights provided as per the compliant documents submitted for the market participation, 22 orders were placed and modified on the market based on these, 3 market participants successfully concluded trades.
Trading session results can be viewed on OPCOM’s web-site within the page ”Trades–Results/ Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas/Daily results” at the address:
For more information please contact:
OPCOM SA, Victor Ionescu, Director General, tel. 021 3071 450, e-mail: and
PRESS RELEASE 19.9.2018 
For more information, please contact OPCOM S.A. Victor IONESCU, CEO, telephone +4 021 3071 450 fax +4 021 3071 400 |