

  • Bursa elenă de energie, Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A. (HEnEx), întâmpinată ca cel mai nou membru al inițiativei Cuplării prin Preț a Regiunilor (PCR)

    20/11/2018 – Atena / Bucureşti / Madrid / Oslo / Paris / Praga / Roma / Varşovia

    Bursele inițiativei PCR salută astăzi alăturarea Bursei elene de energie, Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A. (HEnEx), ca nou membru PCR. HEnEx este al optulea membru consolidând în continuare PCR ca fundament pentru piața unică europeană de energie electrică pentru ziua următoare.

    HEnEx se alătură burselor existente de energie (EPEX SPOT, GME, Nord Pool, OMIE, OPCOM, OTE și TGE) care au dezvoltat soluția PCR asigurând cuplarea prin preț a piețelor de energie electrică pentru ziua următoare din 24 de țări, reprezentând peste 90% din consumul de energie european.

    Implicarea HEnEx în inițiativa PCR reprezintă un semnal clar al angajamentului bursei de promovare a pieței europene unice a energiei în Grecia, angajându-se atât în activitățile regionale, cât și în activitățile de integrare pan-europeană.

    PCR a fost creat pentru a oferi o soluție de cuplare unică prin preț pentru piețele de energie electrică pentru ziua următoare folosind un algoritm unic (Euphemia) pentru calculul prețurilor la energie electrică în Europa și o alocare eficientă a capacității transfrontaliere. Acest lucru este crucial pentru a atinge obiectivul general al UE de creare a unei piețe europene armonizate de energie electrică; este de așteptat să crească lichiditatea, eficiența și bunăstarea socială.
    PCR se bazează pe trei principii: utilizarea unui algoritm unic, funcționarea robustă și responsabilitatea fiecărei burse de energie.

    Prin dezvoltarea în comun a unui algoritm pan-european de cuplare a pieței și coordonarea structurilor de guvernanță între bursele de energie electrică, iniţiativa Cuplării prin Preţ a Regiunilor (PCR) este o soluție operațională pentru realizarea Modelului țintă european al pieței pentru ziua următoare în conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) 1222 / 2015 din 24 iulie 2015 (de stabilire a unor linii directoare privind alocarea capacității și gestionarea congestiilor - CACM), după cum a fost recunoscută de actele de punere în aplicare a CACM aprobate de toate autoritățile de reglementare (NRA1) din Europa.

    Având ca scop dezvoltarea unei cooperări depline în întreaga Europă, inițiativa PCR este deschisă oricărei burse de energie care doreşte să se alăture.


    1 MCO Plan ex art 9.6 a) din CACM


    Pentru mai multe informaţii vă rugăm să contactaţi:
    EPEX SPOT, Maria Schubotz, Corp. Communications and Press, +33 17 303 6133
    GME, Matteo De Santis, Institutional Relation & Communication, +39 06 80 12 4549
    HEnEx, Zoumas Christoforos, Director Markets Operation, +30 210 33 66 850
    Nord Pool, Stina Johansen, Head of Communications, +47 916 50 603
    OMIE, Gabriel Menchén Iglesias, Communications & Press, +34 91 659 89 00
    OPCOM, Cristina Şetran, Programme Director - Projects Development and Implementation, +40 21 307 1447
    OTE, Lenka Rychterová, Market development, +420 296 579 197
    TGE, Ewa Sikora, Director Department of Market Relations, +48 669 110 340


    About the partners:
    The European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT SE and its affiliates operate physical short-term electricity markets in Central Western Europe and the United Kingdom. As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, EPEX SPOT is committed to the creation of a pan-European power market. In 2017, its 285 members traded 535 TWh – a third of the domestic consumption in the eight countries covered. 49% of its equity is held by HGRT, a holding of transmission system operators. For more information, please visit www.epexspot.com.

    GME is the company which organizes and manages the wholesale electricity market in Italy under principles of neutrality, transparency, objectivity and competition. Moreover, GME is directly committed to supporting the implementation of environmental protection policies, by organising and managing Environmental Markets. Moreover, GME organizes and manages the Italian wholesale gas market that consists of the Spot Gas Market and the Forward Gas Markets.

    Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A. (HEnEx S.A.) is part of the EnEx group and was founded on 18/6/2018, following a spin-off of the Electricity Market branch of LAGIE S.A. Building upon accrued experience of more than a decade, HEnEx has been designated by the Greek regulator as the Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) and is operating the Greek Day-Ahead Market, while working on the creation of an Intraday Electricity Market and an Energy Derivatives Market. HEnEx is also responsible for organising and operating Greek Gas and Environmental Markets.

    Nord Pool delivers efficient, simple and secure trading across Europe. The company offers day-ahead and intraday trading, clearing and settlement to customers regardless of size or location. Today 380 companies from 20 countries trade on Nord Pool’s markets.

    Nord Pool operates markets in the Nordic and Baltic regions, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and the UK.  Nord Pool is a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) in 15 European countries, while also servicing power markets in Croatia and Bulgaria. In 2017 Nord Pool had a total turnover of 512 TWh traded power. The company has offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, London and Berlin.

    Nord Pool has 25 years of power market experience built on offering flexibility, transparency, innovation, greater choice and participation to our customers.

    Operador del Mercado Ibérico, Polo Español S.A. (OMIE) is an Iberian company created with the purpose of managing markets in underlying energy assets. As its main function, OMIE is the responsible for the management of the Iberian electricity spot market, running every day the day-ahead and intraday markets encompassing all Iberian electricity. In addition to this core function, OMIE is responsible for the management of several energy-related product auctions, including both physical and financial products.

    OPCOM is the Romanian Electricity and Gas Market Operator. Since 2000, OPCOM has been committed to strengthen a market place where energy and environmental certificates are traded in conditions of transparency and integrity. Today, the trading portfolio offered by OPCOM ranges from electricity products to gas products, as well as green certificates. More than 900 companies are using the products available for trading on short-term electricity, gas and green certificates markets as well as on term markets for electricity, gas and green certificates bilateral contracts. In addition to this role, OPCOM is responsible for settlement of the transactions concluded on short-term energy markets, Balancing Market as well as the Imbalances of the Balancing Responsible Parties. OPCOM also manages the Green Certificates Register. Today, OPCOM is acting as Registered Reporting Mechanism under REMIT for more than 450 companies active on its electricity and gas markets. OPCOM was designated by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority as Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) for fulfilling tasks related to the coupling of the day-ahead and intraday markets.

    OTE, a.s., Joint-stock company OTE, established in 2001, commenced organizing trading in short-term electricity markets in 2002, the day-ahead market and the intra-day and block electricity markets in later years, and on the intra-day gas market since 2010. OTE was appointed by the Czech Energy Regulatory Office as a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) as a responsible entity for day-ahead and intra-day market coupling activities. Processing of trading data and reporting services according to REMIT, data processing for settlement of electricity and gas imbalance, procedures associated with a switch of supplier, administration of the National Register of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and systems for payment of subsidies for supported energy sources are among services offered by OTE to players in the Czech electricity and gas markets.

    TGE (Polish Power Exchange) was established at the end of 1999. It is the Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) for the Polish pricing area and the only licensed commodity exchange in Poland, holding a licence to operate a regulated market since March 2015. On 15 November 2017, TGE started operating as a full-rights PCR coordinating exchange and operator on the European MRC market.
    TGE guarantees the reliability and security of trading on all markets it operates: Commodity Market for electricity, natural gas, property rights and CO2 emission allowances; Financial Instruments Market; in the Certificate of Origin Register and the Guarantee of Origin Register.

    TGE is included on the ACER's list of platforms for reporting transaction information according to REMIT requirements. TGE has an established relationship with an experienced NASDAQ technology partner – X-Stream Trading Technology and SAPRI.


    COMUNICAT de PRESĂ 20.11.2018

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