

  • PRESS RELEASE 02.01/2006

    OPCOM: Six-month review of spot trades administration: more than 1.7 TWh traded on the Day Ahead Market

    (Bucharest, 2nd of January 2006) On the Day Ahead Market operated by OPCOM, in the first half-year of the new IT system*) functioning, have been traded 6.72% of the Romanian’s net forecasted consumption in a total volume of 1,717,891 MWh.

    From July to December, was registered a number of 65 participants in order to participate on the Day Ahead Market – electricity generators and suppliers. Within this number have been active an average of 30 participants the peak number being of 38.

    The volumes traded in this period summarized 1,717,891 MWh, representing a total amount of Euro 62,290,743. This volume represents 6.72% of the country net forecasted consumption.
    For this period the registered average traded volume was 389 MWh/h and the average spot price was 34.94 Euro/MWh).

    In December, the average traded volume was 346.6 MWh/h at an average spot price of 40.80 Euro/MWh.

    These results are placing OPCOM in the medium liquidity area of the European power exchanges after Nord Pool - Oslo, EEX - Leipzig, APX - Amsterdam and Powernext - Paris.


    *) On 30th of June 2005, OPCOM launched the spot trading based on the new IT system provided by AREVA T&D, developed through a project within a PHARE 2000 program, financed by the European Commission .

    PRESS RELEASE 02.01/2006

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor Ionescu , CEO, phone (+40 21) 30 71 450

    Opcom Anunţuri