Start of publication of Core flow-based day-ahead capacity calculation data and market coupling simulation results, and updated project planning.
Amsterdam, Berlin, Bucharest, Budapest, Bratislava, Brussel, Ljubljana, Luxemburg, Paris, Prague, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb
11 November 2020
Start of publication The project parties involved in the day-ahead Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project (Core FB MC) hereby announce the progressive transition towards the external parallel run, which provides the publication of the first flow-based capacity calculation data and of related simulated market coupling results. The publication of these simulated results will allow market participants to get acquainted with the Core flow- based day-ahead results and to start their preparations towards the Core FB MC go- live.
The project parties will initially publish only selected days (between 0 and 7 per week), whenever the results are deemed sufficiently representative.
Core project parties will focus in the coming months on the stabilisation of the tooling and will announce when the reliable publication of 7 business days per week can be initiated.
Further, there are various assumptions and known limitations in relation to the capacity calculation data and market coupling simulation results that have to be considered when interpreting them. Core project parties will maintain the Core FB MC parallel run limitations and assumptions overview on the Core FB MC Project section on the JAO website on the page called: "Core FB DA Parallel Run".
Core project parties underline that NRAO (non-costly remedial action optimiser) will unfortunately not be available at the beginning. It means that for some TSOs relying on non-costly remedial actions (especially RTE), there is a clear limitation and results might be different when NRAO would be available.
Core TSOs are working proactively in order to deliver this tool and will keep market parties informed on the progress.
The first capacity calculation data can be expected on the JAO website latest on 6th December; the related market coupling simulated results will be published on 13th December, covering the sufficiently representative business days of week 47 (16th – 22nd November 2020). This will all available on the JAO website on the page called: "Publication tool".
The standard schedule for computing capacities and for publication is the following:
- Week X (BDs Mon-Sun): daily capacity calculation from D-2 to D-1
- Week X + 14 days (Friday): publication of capacities
- Week X + 21 days (Saturday): publication of market coupling simulation results
Updated roadmap The Core FB MC go-live date has been recently updated to February 2022 taking into account the guidance of European Commission and Core NRAs that Interim Coupling Project (ICP) should be implemented as an interim step to the Core FB MC.
About the Day-Ahead Flow-Based Market Coupling project in Core The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling (Core FB MC) project promotes the development and implementation of a flow-based day-ahead market coupling across the whole Core capacity calculation region (Core CCR) in the framework of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC). The Core CCR consists of the bidding zone borders between the following EU Member States’ bidding zones: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Communication channels Questions in relation to the Core FB MC project in general and (publication) of the Core Flow inputs and market coupling simulation results can be raised on the Q&A forum:
Market participants that would like to follow closer the project development are invited to join the Core Consultative Group (CCG) by sending an email to The participants of the Core Consultative Group will receive regular information, and invitations to teleconferences and meetings.
PRESS RELEASE 11.11.2020 
For more information, please contact OPCOM S.A. Victor IONESCU, CEO, telephone +4 021 3071 450 fax +4 021 3071 400 |