

  • PRESS RELEASE 09/14/2005

    Figures speak: a spot market representing 8.62% of the Romania’s total net electricity demand; trades in a total amount of over EUR 17 million at an average price of EUR 24/MWh

    (Bucharest, 14 September 2005) After a two month trading period, the first certainties regarding the spot market operated by OPCOM SA appear: the total amount of trades being EUR 17,010,429.83 which means 8.62% of Romania’s electricity demand at an average price of EUR 24.00/MWh

    Two month beyond the launching of the New Romanian Electricity Trading Platform the market participant interest on the Day Ahead Market remain stabile, bringing the daily average number of the active participants to 25 out of a total number of 50 registered.
    An hourly average amount traded of 450 MWh was achieved that means 8.62 % of the forecast net consumption at an average spot price of EUR 24/MWh against EUR 30/MWh representing the matching price of the trades at the European power exchanges in 2004.
    Within this two months (July and August) the total amount of trades went to EUR 17,010,429.83 (69,194,208.92 RON).
    The price evolution during this period according to the daily needs/opportunities recommends it as a further reference price index for the bilateral contracts and for the financial market instruments.
    The results of the daily trading process and also the monthly market surveillance reports for the Romanian Day Ahead Market can be seen and downloaded from the website address: www.opcom.ro

    Press release no 06/2005

    For more information, please contact SC OPCOM SA

    Victor Ionescu, CEO, phone (+40 21) 30 71 450

    Opcom Anunţuri