

  • Interim Coupling project member testing confirmed following successful completion of SDAC testing

    Vienna, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Bucharest, Bratislava

    28th May 2021

    The Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from Austria, Germany, Poland and the 4M Market Coupling (4M MC) countries, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, hereby inform stakeholders about the completion of the SDAC Simulation testing which was organized between 17-26.05.2021. The aim of this phase was to test the integration of Interim Coupling region into the Single Day-ahead Coupling under the framework of SDAC operational procedures incl. new operation timings which will apply as of go-live of the Interim Coupling project.

    The member tests with the participation of market participants are now confirmed to be carried out between 31.05.2021 to 07.06.2021 as previously communicated.

    The go-live of the project is now planned for 17th June 2021 (first trading day, with delivery day on 18th June 2021), subject to confirmation of technical and legal readiness by all parties.


    The DE-AT-PL-4M MC Project, also referred to as Interim Coupling aims to connect the borders of 4M MC with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) by introducing Net Transmission Capacity based (NTC-based) implicit capacity allocation on six borders (PL-DE, PL-CZ, PLSK, CZ-DE, CZ-AT, HU-AT). This will mark the start of the so called “enduring phase” of SDAC, during which there will be one European Single Day-Ahead Coupling only, where MRC and 4M MC are coupled


    About OPCOM

    OPCOM is the Romanian Electricity and Gas Market Operator. Since 2000, OPCOM has been committed to strengthen a market place where energy and environmental certificates are traded in conditions of transparency and integrity. Today, the trading portfolio offered by OPCOM ranges from electricity products to gas products, as well as green certificates. More than 900 companies are using the products available for trading on short-term electricity, gas and green certificates markets as well as on term markets for electricity, gas and green certificates bilateral contracts. In addition to this role, OPCOM is responsible for settlement of the transactions concluded on short-term energy markets, Balancing Market as well as the Imbalances of the Balancing Responsible Parties. OPCOM also manages the Green Certificates Register. Today, OPCOM is acting as Registered Reporting Mechanism under REMIT managing more than 480 reporting agreements on its electricity and gas markets. OPCOM was designated by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority as Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 for fulfilling tasks related to the coupling of the day-ahead and intraday markets.

    OPCOM applies the Quality Management System complying with ISO 9001 - SR EN ISO 9001, respectively the Information Security Management System complying with ISO/IEC 27001 - SR EN ISO/IEC 27001, both systems being certified by Lloyd`s Register LRQA.

    For more information about OPCOM, please visit us at www.opcom.ro.

    COMMUNICATION NOTE  28.05.2021 

    Opcom Anunţuri