

  • PRESS RELEASE (Bucharest, 16 august 2010)

    15 August 2000: A market administrator is born on the European electricity map

    Ten years after its establishment Opcom highlights the achievement of its role and mission

    It is hardly difficult to assess what the forecast of Romanian electricity market operator evolution and performance has been ten years ago for the decade 2000-2010. We like to consider that independent from how much optimistically this forecast has been done the reality is overwhelming the expectancies.
    First, we have to remember, on the European electricity map only NordPool acting for the Nordic countries, Omel in Spain, APX in Netherland, the two German PX which further will merge and Gielda Energie in Poland where flags marking centralised, transparent trading of electricity at that time. The role granted to these marketplaces by initiators created since the beginning two different patterns: either market operator with enhanced portfolio of activities or power exchange, exclusively standardised products trading floor providing. Next years, other countries will follow one of the two different models.
    Romanian electricity market OPCOM was created to behave following the pattern characterised by large responsibilities, thereby providing enhanced range of the services: merit order, dispatchable units scheduling and spot price/ settlement delivering but also important services like ancillary services scheduling, forecast and overall market settlement.
    These attributes were set through the Government Decision No. 627/2000 concerning its establishment, the targets were further enhanced by 2003 Road Map, Electricity Act, 2007 Strategy in energy field and the law 220/2008 amended by the law 139/2010.
    All of these were defining its current role: to set up the energy price and to provide energy trading framework but its mission too: to ensure the best conditions for transparent, anonym and secure trading of generation and consumption in Romania and to contribute to the electricity markets integration in SEE region. During this period, the mechanisms were changing thus becoming more and safer by counterpart role providing, new markets as Green certificates and bilateral contract trading as well as environment instruments trade facilitation appeared.
    Year on year the volumes and market shares increased. The most relevant number to date is the 25% market share achieved in day ahead market in the beginning of August 2010, just to contribute to the celebration of the first decade of activity. This is following to the overall market share record of 35% meaning spot and forward traded for 2009.
    After launching this summer the Trading Platform for Emissions Certificates and the new web-site, Opcom is further aiming to start new decade not only planning but even launching both new products and improving existing ones. The Intra-Day Market is the first milestone while other will follow.
    For its performance and permanent re-shaping, Opcom thanks to the all supporters and authorities, market participants, consultants and IT suppliers.

    A special thought for the company’ employees, that permanent effort decisively contributed to the building and proven performance during these ten years of activity!

    PRESS RELEASE 16.08.2010

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Anunţuri