

  • A forward step towards power market transparency: OPCOM publishes the price of contracts concluded on CMBC

    (Bucharest, 13th February, 2007) The Ministry of Economy and Commerce had imposed last period a sustained pace in making more transparent the electricity market. After the suppliers’ market positions were published, the price of bilateral contracts concluded on CMBC followed in representing the aim of the Ministry’s attention.

    After the minister’s visit in OPCOM headquarter, when the centralized market mechanisms and their results’ disclosure were presented on the web-site, the only missing element, the disclosure of the CMBC prices was put under question.

    Until now, regarding the Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts, the OPCOM’s web-site published for the auctions’ preparation the following: procedures, starting prices, offered quantities, delivery period and delivery starting date, the offer contract, and after the transaction conclusion: contracting parties and the list of participants in the auction.

    In order to improve the trading framework, the management of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce applied to the regulatory authority for the contracts’ prices disclosure and full CMBC transparency. On this background, the request of OPCOM for price disclosure approval received a favorable assent on February 9. Following the assent and new procedure version reception, on February 13, OPCOM published the new procedure and also published the contracts’ prices beginning with the assent’s date.

    We remind you that, on the background of the European electricity markets’ request for transparency, related to Day Ahead Market, the procedures, hourly concluded prices and hourly traded, as also the pictures illustrating the hourly matching are provided. Their monitoring is supplying to the participants an official information destined to bring trust in the used mechanisms, and to identify the trading opportunities by stimulating the investors’ interest.

    Meanwhile, OPCOM intends to publish on the web-site a short report including graphics which are illustrating the trends of prices related traded products.

    PRESS RELEASE 13.02.2007

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor Ionescu , CEO, telephone (+40 21) 3071 450

    Opcom Anunţuri