

  • PRESS RELEASE 3rd March, 2008

    2008 February - DAM: traded volume increasing about 50% both in January and in February related to the same period last year. PCCB: record contracted volume for this month. PCCV: almost 90% from the mandatory quota for 2007 was secured by the trades performed on the offered OPCOM trading platform.
    (Bucharest, 3rd March, 2008) If in February 2007 the growth related to 2006 was 10%, this month the traded volume on spot market doubled related to same month of the previous year, following up the positive trend form the beginning of 2008.
    On the centralized bilateral market, in February, the previous contracted volume and the according share of 19.51%, represents the maximum for 2006-2008 period, period for which the contracts were concluded based on the auctions performed in this market.
    Both markets secured together in a competitive and transparent framework almost 30% from the internal net energy consumption.
    On the centralized market organized by OPCOM, the energy suppliers of the final consumers secured about 90% from the mandatory quota of green certificates for 2007.

    Day Ahead Market
    The energy traded volume on DAM and the according share were being increasing related to February 2007, based on the fact that 62 participants sent at least one offer this month.
    • There were traded an average energy volume of about 678 MWh/h at an average price of 53.23 euro/MWh, a decreased volume with 6% related to January.
    • There were concluded trades in all the hours this month. The hourly traded volumes varied, as it happened in the previous month, between 403 MWh/h and 1,069 MWh/h. All the 62 participants who offered established at least one trade.
    • This month’s share in the internal forecasted consumption was 9.75%, higher with about 34% than in February 2007.

    The traded energy value of 24,904,981.70 euro, was 56.77% higher than the concluded trades’ value from the same period in 2007.

    Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts
    In February the traded volume on the Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts attributed by public auction was 73,440 MWh at the price of 50.13 euro/MWh.
    According to the previous attributed contracts, the delivered volume was a record, representing 19.51% from the consumption, at an average price of 46.59 euro/MWh.
    Until present days, the traded volumes share for delivery during 2008 represents 14.72% from the consumption.
    In the Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts with Continuous Negotiation (forward with physical delivery) there were proposed for trading 5 monthly contracts, representing a total quantity of 3,600 MWh.

    Centralized Market for Green Certificates
    After the February auction in the green certificates market, the last trading month for 2007, the suppliers bought 2,107 certificates at the price 42 euro/certificate. The traded green certificates number on the OPCOM trading platform, including this month trades, was 41,364. Related to the number of 46,299 green certificates issued for 2007, the number of centralized traded green certificates for the 2007 mandatory quota fulfillment represents 89.34%.
    Using the trading platforms offered by OPCOM, the players in the competitive centralized energy markets have contributed to ensure in a transparent way a relevant percentage from internal consumption: almost 30% from consumption, equivalent to trades of about 1,318,900 MWh for February.
    In order to offer to the participants the rules according to their requests, the developing trends of the managed markets and the responsibilities foreseen in the regulation framework, OPCOM issued and sent for approval to the Regulation Authority the package of procedures including: the implementation of the central counterpart role mechanism for DAM trades, preliminary trades settlement for Balancing Market – proceeding aimed to speed up the payments in Balancing Market, the operation of centralized market for bilateral energy contracts attributed by public auction and the operation of centralized market for bilateral energy contracts with continuous negotiation, the administered markets surveillance and the public and private information in OPCOM responsibility.

    PRESS RELEASE 03.03.2008

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, Director general,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

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