


    (Bucharest, 4th of June 2008) May 2008 - DAM: the traded volume increased about 10% related to May 2007. CMBC: The energy volume contracted for this month on the OPCOM market place was 647,331 MWh, having a slight increase related to May 2007. CMGC: The number of the green certificates traded centralized in the monthly auctions from March – May 2008 period, represents 80% from the 28,941 green certificates issued.

    Having a slight increase related to May 2007, the spot market share reached in May 2008 the 8.60% value, corresponding to an hourly average volume of 502 MWh/h.
    In the Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts, the volume contracted before for May 2008 represents 15.44% of consumption, 3% more than May 2007.
    Together, both markets, DAM and CMBC, secured in May 2008, in a transparent framework, 24% of internal net energy consumption.

    On the centralized market for green certificates organized by OPCOM, the energy suppliers of the final consumers purchased, in the first three monthly auctions for 2008, almost 80% of the green certificates issued up to the deadlines for the expressing of trading intentions .

    Day Ahead Market

    56 participants submitted in May at least one offer, trades were concluded and the spot price was established in all hourly intervals of this month. The hourly traded volumes varied between 265 MWh/h and 836 MWh/h. All 56 participants who submitted offers concluded at least one transaction.

    • The volume traded on DAM increased from 338,882 MWh in May last year to 373,346 MWh this month.
    • On an average, in May 2008, were traded 502 MWh/h, 10.17% more than May 2007.
    • The value of the energy traded in May 2008 was 14,810,485.39 EUR, 7% less than the value of trades concluded in the same month last year.
    • The average price was 38.37 EUR/MWh, almost equal related to last month value and decreasing with 18% related to the same month last year.

    Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts

    The volume traded in May on Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts attributed by public auction was 128,425 MWh, at a contract price of 49.30 EUR/MWh.

    On the bases of contracts attributed on CMBC, an energy quantity of 15.44% from consumption had the delivery date in May 2008, at the average price of 48.37 EUR/MWh.
    Up to the present, the share of the volumes traded for delivery in 2008 is 15.06% of consumption.

    Centralized Market for Green Certificates

    After the May auction, the third month when green certificates were traded centralized for the year 2008, a number of 9,021 green certificates were purchased by the suppliers, at the price of 42 EUR/certificate.

    Using the trading platforms administrated by OPCOM, the market participants contributed to cover a relevant percent of the country consumption in a competitive and transparent framework: about 24% of consumption, equivalent to trades for May 2008 of approximately 1,020,677.114 MWh.

    PRESS RELEASE 04.06.2008

    For more details, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, Chief Executive Officer,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Anunţuri