


    August 2008 - DAM: traded volume increased related previous month to 428,708 MWh, assuring the spot market share about 9.68%, acquiring one percent more than the market share of July.

    CMBC: the contracts attributed previously for delivery during August 2008 reached an amount of 693,319 MWh, greater than the previous month and higher with 39% confronted by August 2007, and representing 16.22% from internal consumption.

    PCCV: on the centralized market for green certificates organized by OPCOM the energy suppliers of the end-consumers purchased almost 50,032 certificates in the first six auctions for 2008, representing 58% from the number of the issued certificates.

    Day Ahead Market

    63 participants, representing more than 75% from the number of the registered participants, submitted at least one offer for this month.

    The spot price was established for all hourly intervals of this month and the hourly traded volumes varied between 307 MWh/h and 845 MWh/h. The average price for August 2008 was 56.85 EUR/MWh and the average traded volume increased with 8.75% related July 2008 at 576 MWh/h representing about 9.68% from consumption.

    The analyses for the first eight months of 2008 for DAM transactions reflect the superior level of the traded volume confronted by the similar period of the previous year: 598 MWh/h, increased with 3.3% than 578 MWh/h for the period from January to August in 2007.

    Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts

    The volume traded in August on Centralized Market for Bilateral Contracts attributed by public auction was 335,800 MWh, increasing with 9.5% related to the previous month. Seven off-peak contracts were concluded with prices in the range of 41.26 – 42.12 EUR/MWh and one base contract was traded at 54.17 EUR /MWh

    On the bases of contracts attributed previously on CMBC, an energy quantity of 16.22% from consumption was in delivery in August 2008, at the average price of 47.91 EUR /MWh.

    Up to the present, the share of the volumes traded for delivery in 2008 is 15.45% of consumption.

    Centralized Market for Green Certificates

    In the August auction the suppliers purchased 7,994 green certificates at the price of 42 EUR/certificate.

    Using the OPCOM market place, the players from the centralized energy markets contributed to ensure, in a transparent way, a relevant percentage from internal consumption of the country: over 26% of consumption, equivalent to trades of approximately 1,122,025 MWh for August 2008.

    In conditions of the central counterpart mechanism applied on Day Ahead Market , the value for the all payments and encashment was about 26.4 mil. EUR, without situations of non-payments.
    PRESS RELEASE 04.09.2008

    For more details, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, Chief Executive Officer,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Anunţuri