PRESS RELEASE DATA MONITOR assessment is strengthened: MOFFATT report ranks Romania 9th in EU
(Bucharest, September 22nd, 2008) Short time after reading the Data Monitor report “European Wholesale Power Market Development”” we enhanced overall information regarding the international perception on Romanian wholesale electricity market by accessing the Moffatt Associates Partnership’s study “Review and Analysis of EU Wholesale Energy Markets” which the European Commission unveiled on its web-site within the section dedicated Energy. ( The client of the report is European Commission DG TREN and the subtitle of report is “Evaluation of Factors Impacting on Current and Future Market Liquidity and Efficiency. Research Findings and Conclusions, being issued on 2nd July 2008. Thrilled by the consultants’ premises’ location in London (241/243 Baker Street, thus close to the Conan Doyle’s famous character premises) we sank into the inquiry’s insights and … we did not regret.
Moffatt AP (, developed a sophisticated assessment methodology by interviewing several players from European Union (altogether 113 people where forming the focus groups representing the regulators, energy exchanges, traders, generators and suppliers, shippers, TSO’s and major energy users). The final outcome of the inquiry was the ranking below, where again Romanian electricity market is well placed, strengthening the position of Romania, granted by Data Monitor report. The ranking is the result of a mixed evaluation by using the following criteria, where the position of Romania related each criterion is indicated between the parentheses: number of active traders (6), volume of trading (4), number of new entrants (4), demand and supply transparency (14), influence of dominant market incumbent(s), representative spot market price (6), ability to trade forward (14). We have to take care that Norway is included but Sweden not.

PRESS RELEASE 22.09.2008 