


    (Bucharest, May 7th, 2009)

    April 2009 – for the second consecutive month, is shown the increasing trend of spot trading volume confronted by the equivalent month of the previous year; this outcome contributes, along with the deliveries in the CMBC, to the establishment of a new absolute record, deliveries on the basis of transactions handled by OPCOM representing 36% of estimated consumption of this month.

    DAM: Hourly average of April, 696 MWh/h, maintains monthly increase compared to the previous year at over 20%, when the forecast indicates a reduction in consumption by 13% compared to April 2008.

    CMBC: A record share at this time held by deliveries from April 2009 from the estimated consumption: almost 1/4 of consumption has been provided by the obligations contracted until March 2009 on forward markets

    CMGC: Cumulative results of the first two auctions for the year 2009 in CMGC shows that the electricity suppliers purchased 45% of the green certificates issued by the deadlines for the expressing intentions of trading on OPCOM market place.

    Having a market share of 13.1% from the forecasted consumption of this month, transactions on DAM increased from 413,600 MWh in April 2008 to 500,778 MWh in April 2009, respectively, from the average value of 574.4 MWh/h in April 2008 to 695.5 MWh/h in April 2009, representing a relative increase of 21%.

    The average price decreased, compared to April last year, from 38.54 EUR/MWh (140.95 lei/MWh) to 23.27 EUR/MWh (97.77 lei/MWh), indicating a decrease by 31% in national currency, respectively 40% in European currency. Reported to the previous month, the prices continued to decline, also. This outcome places the average price traded on OPCOM’s DAM at 23.27 EUR/MWh for the fifth consecutive month, at the lower limit of the monthly average prices traded on European spot markets. In April 2009, electricity trades on European spot markets were within a range of monthly average prices between 23 EUR /MWh and 58 EUR /MWh, the average value at the European level being around 35 EUR/MWh, about 50% higher than the average of the prices set by OPCOM.

    Of the 89 participants registered to the market, 69 expressed their interest submitting offers this month; these intentions were materialized in hourly transactions by a range of variation between 337 MWh/h – 1,181 MWh/h, in 7% of the hourly intervals of the month 1,000 MWh/h being exceeded.

    Comparisons attest also increases at the level of the first four months, from an hourly average volume of 453 MWh/h in 2006, 515 MWh/h in 2007 and 655 MWh/h in 2008, to 721 MWh/h - hourly average volume of the first four months of this year. A similar trend had also the market share in consumption: if in the first four months of 2006 it was 7.10%, now it is 11.85%, the growth rate during the first four months increased itself from year to year: 1.20% (2007/2006), 1.50% (2008/2007) and 2% (2009/2008).

    Payment obligations/rights for the electricity delivered in April 2009 amounts to 15.1 mil. EUR (63.5 mil. lei), these obligations being met within the time limits set by regulations without registering outstanding payment amounts.

    In April 2009, based on trades concluded on CMBC, at an average price of 44.19 EUR/MWh (189.67 lei/MWh), was delivered an electricity volume of 942,700 MWh, representing a record value of 23.07% of the estimated consumption of this month.

    In the second trading session of green certificates issued for 2009, held on April 17th, a number of 5,381 certificates were purchased by the suppliers in order to fulfil the mandatory quota for 2009, at the price of 55 EUR/certificate (215.34 lei/certificate).

    DAM and CMCB transactions with delivery in April 2009 amounts to an electricity volume of 1,443,478 MWh, the two markets share in the estimated consumption for this month exceeded for the first time 36%.

    PRESS RELEASE 07.05.2009

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

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